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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Three Places to Evaluate Your School’s HR Practices

Business and Operations // June 11, 2018

Human resources practices that aren’t compliant with the law can be a source of risk for many private-independent schools. When it comes to managing new hires and current employees, these risks are often related to different forms of discrimination.

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Questions You Must Ask When It Comes to Your Insurance Policy

Business and Operations // June 11, 2018

Risk management must be an intentional process for the Business Office. It must be as much a part of your workflow as managing finances or facilities. A primary way to protect your school from risk is through insurance policies. As the office primarily responsible for selecting and buying insurance, how can you confirm that your policy truly transfers risk and provides the protection you’ve paid for?

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Five Ways to Help Your Faculty Adopt New Technology

School Heads // June 5, 2018

Despite how pervasive technology has become, you probably have more than a few faculty members who are reluctant to incorporate new technology into the classroom. This can be problematic for many reasons. It’s the responsibility of educators and administrators to best prepare students for a quickly changing job market, starting with the intersection of technology and education.

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The Impact of Smartphones on Concentration and Cognitive Abilities

Private School News // May 31, 2018

Smartphones have become an integral part of most people’s everyday routines. Researchers say that Americans check their phones every 12 minutes on average, totaling 80 times per day. With the proliferation of smartphones infiltrating every aspect of our lives, researchers wanted to know—how does even the presence of a smartphone impact one’s ability to concentrate and use cognitive abilities?

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A Checklist to Consider If You Use Drones at Your School

Private School News // May 31, 2018

Drones are becoming more commonplace in schools across the nation. We provided three tips for responsible drone use last year, and are following up with a few more guidelines that your school could incorporate into your official protocol if you use drones on campus.

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A Risk Assessment Self-Exam

Business and Operations // May 8, 2018

It’s not always easy to see ways that your school’s operations might put you at risk. But managing it effectively isn’t as hard as you may think. Your team can manage risk by identifying exposures from past experiences or the experiences of others, seeing patterns, and considering new trends. Then identify ways you can prevent these risks from occuring now, or options you’ll have to mitigate if they occur in the future.

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Four Reasons to Consider Shifting to a Continuous Enrollment Program

Advancement // May 8, 2018

Shifting to a continuous enrollment program is a hot topic among advancement professionals in private-independent schools. Many schools have made the switch to automatically re-enrolling students for the next year if the student is in good academic standing, has no behavioral issues, and his or her account is paid in full.

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Insurance You Want Your Vendors to Have

Business and Operations // May 8, 2018

It’s inevitable that your school will employ vendors to help support some aspects of your operations. Whether these vendors provide transportation, food, construction, or some other service, all should carry adequate insurance policies. Before you sign a contract and the vendor begins work, ensure each provides proof that the following policies and coverages are in place to protect their business and your school.

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