Community Corner

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Community Corner

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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

How to Define and Differentiate Your School to Gain a Competitive Edge

Marketing Communications // August 7, 2022

In most markets, today’s public schools adequately prepare students for higher education, which has traditionally been a key differentiator for private schools. Now it’s more important than ever to determine what your competitive edge is and how that differs from your local public schools in your area.

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Three Ways to Ensure Your Marketing Budget Can Support Your Goals

Marketing Communications // July 24, 2022

Marketing and Budgeting—two essential tools that most definitely correlate. Thanks to the recent pandemic and a little something called inflation, creating (or modifying) your school’s marketing budget has become more complicated in recent years—for example, consider this budget item: the cost of paper has risen over 20% recently!

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Using Market Research to Optimize Messaging

Enrollment Management // July 24, 2022

In part one of this series, we discussed the data science of using Lookalike Analysis to identify a school’s prime enrollment prospective families. In part two, we discussed the strategy of market segment targeting and prioritization which represents the second, complementary method of recruitment prospecting.

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Six Back to School Events to Kick Off the New School Year

School Leadership // July 24, 2022

It’s that time of year to start thinking about back-to-school events! After two years of uncertainty, most families and students are eager to gather. But as you schedule opening sessions and programs, remember to be flexible. Consider outdoor activities and ways for families and students to remain socially distanced.

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Three Tips to Support Mental Health in Your School

School Health and Wellness // July 24, 2022

The pandemic cast a spotlight on the growing challenge of mental health issues among young people. One study of teens aged 13–18 showed that, from 2019 to 2020, anxiety increased 93.6%, depression 83.9%, substance abuse disorders 62.7%, and incidents of self-harm a shocking 333.93%

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Ways to Unplug in a Fully Connected World

School Health and Wellness // July 10, 2022

Are you reading this article on your mobile device or desktop computer? How many minutes or hours would you guess you have been on your phone today? It couldn’t be too long, right?

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School Nurses Need a Self-Care Summer—Here’s How to Make it Happen

School Health and Wellness // July 10, 2022

Everyone needs self-care—especially school nurses. The role of the school nurse changed drastically during the pandemic and has evolved as independent schools continue to emerge. Nurses need self-care now more than ever, but it’s hard to focus on this during the school year. That’s why summer is the...

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Using Data Science to Target Prime Market Segments

Enrollment Management // July 10, 2022

In part one of this series, we discussed the data science of using Lookalike Analysis to identify a school’s prime enrollment prospects. In this article, we will discuss the strategy of market segment targeting which represents the second, complementary method of recruitment prospecting.

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