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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

The Case for Vacations

Business and Operations // September 18, 2015

The beginning of the school year often means a temporary respite for Business Managers. The school’s last audit recently wrapped up, and the next audit is in the beginning stages of preparation. The current budget has (mostly) been worked out, and next year’s will start in November. Now might be the perfect time for you to take a break from the Business Office for an extended breather—your schedule won’t get any clearer for the foreseeable future, and vacations have definitive health and professional benefits you can’t get holed up in your office.

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Acquiring Enough Land, Part Two

Board of Trustees // September 15, 2015

In the last issue, we wrote about how to determine your school’s needs before developing a land-acquisition plan. In this month’s edition of The Source for Trustees, we’ll discuss how to take action on your plan.

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Student College and Career Readiness

Board of Trustees // September 15, 2015

Most private-independent high schools are college-preparatory, and they take great pride in the success of their alumni in higher education and beyond. But, as in all schools, your faculty and staff are always concerned that they are effectively preparing their students for college.

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Conversations With New Families: Retention Starts With You

School Heads // September 14, 2015

Retention efforts for your school’s families start on Day One, and as School Head, you have a unique opportunity to reinforce your school’s appreciation of their contribution to the broader community. September, then, is the time to reach out to your new families as the “figurehead” of the school and make them feel personally welcome in their new educational community.

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Advice to New School Heads

School Heads // September 14, 2015

Welcome, new School Heads! It’s a new school year, with new challenges to face and new ideas to implement. We know that, whether you’re new to the role or new to the school, transition can be overwhelming. Knowing this, we’ve compiled a list of three essential pointers to get you started.

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Advice for New Division Heads

Academic Leadership // September 10, 2015

Another September rolls around, bringing with it new students—and new Division Heads! Welcome! Knowing that many of you new folks might have first-day jitters, we asked our ISM Consultants if they had any words of wisdom to share. So without further ado, here’s our advice for new—or new-to-school—Division Heads.

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Preparing for Your Senior Class Representative Meeting

Academic Leadership // September 10, 2015

Every year, the senior class appoints several notable (and hopefully responsible) representatives to organize their final year of high school. These representatives will approach you, the Division Head, to discuss potential privileges for your eldest students to enjoy. You should attend this meeting prepared to endow those students with certain responsibilities, as well as senior-student privileges.

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Advice for New Development Directors

Advancement // September 3, 2015

It’s the beginning of the new school year, and with that comes new faces in the Development Office. Welcome! Whether you’re new to the office in general or simply new to the school, we’re sure you have some first-month jitters to work out. With that in mind, we have a few words of wisdom to share from our consultants to help you make the most of your first year in your new position.

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School Events = Stewardship Opportunities

Advancement // September 3, 2015

“Major” fundraising events can often overwhelm the attention of even the most experienced Development Office. Autumn auctions and spring galas can become the office’s main attractions. However, by focusing on these development-focused events, Development Directors might lose sight of prime stewardship opportunities that happen all the time on campus.

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Advice for New Admission Officers

Advancement // September 1, 2015

Welcome to the Admission Office, Dear Reader! Whether you’re new to the office in general or simply new to the school, we’re sure you have some first-month jitters to work out. WIth that in mind, we have a few words of wisdom to share from our consultants and your fellow Admission Officers.

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