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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

How to Correct Someone Without Provoking Fireworks

Business and Operations // April 2, 2015

Think back to a time when a colleague has made a suggestion or a statement that you were certain was completely inaccurate and would derail a conversation, project, or meeting. You knew that, if left uncorrected, the process will become confused and muddled. At the same time, if you simply said, "Jesse, you're wrong," it would cause sparks to fly. So today, we'll talk about how you can correct someone without a fireworks-worthy display of temper.

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“Race-Congruent” Teachers May Help Boost Student Scores

Private School News // March 31, 2015

There’s a copious amount of research on the effect role models have on developing minds, but a new study raises the bar for what kind of role models might be most effective in the classroom. Researchers from the University of Arkansas, the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, and Harvard University have joined forces to discover that students may perform better on exams if their role models—their teachers—are of the same ethnicity.

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Rooting Out Nervousness

Private School News // March 31, 2015

Nerves show up when we least need them. Presentations, conversations with parents, meetings with donors—nervousness kills confidence and interrupts the flow of rational thoughts. The next time you feel anxiety popping up, beat it back with these tips.

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Maasai Warriors, Live Poetry, and The Pursuit of Ignorance: TED Talks Truths and Dares

Private School News // March 31, 2015

(Primary image credit to GP3/The Every Day Athlete News) For anyone wondering what the online fuss was about in the middle of March, the 2015 TED weeklong conference convened in Toronto, Canada. Billed as a "platform for ideas worth sharing" and known for its inspiring 15-minute "talks" circulated on YouTube, TED's theme this year was “Truth and Dare.” For those unable to enjoy the talks in person, we’ve created a playlist of TED talks on education that speak occasionally harsh truths while daring our schools and our society to transcend the current, self-imposed boundaries.

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The GREAT DREAM: International Day of Happiness

Business and Operations // March 27, 2015

On March 20, 2015, the world celebrated International Day of Happiness by answering the question, “What really makes me happy?” Take a moment to think about that question. Does more than one answer pop into your mind? We’re going to guess that several things danced to the forefront of your thoughts because when you really stop to think about what matters most, your personal recipe for happiness probably isn’t as simple as one ingredient.

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Securing Student Files

Business and Operations // March 27, 2015

Some of the most sensitive files your office manages are your student files. Grades, personal information, and health information pertaining to each of your students must be as secure as your employee files. Yet, unlike your employee files, certain student records also need to be accessed regularly by key faculty and staff.

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Ask ISM's Risk Manager

Business and Operations // March 27, 2015

Q: Our school carries several insurance policies. We’re trying refocus our risk management protocols. Is there one insurance policy that you think is essential?

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The Absolute Worst Interview Questions—And What to Ask Instead

School Heads // March 25, 2015

Any lawyer can tell you which interview questions to avoid due to liability concerns, but some legally permissible questions still make applicants’ teeth grind when asked. Many of these questions seem like smart things to ask, but rarely give you any added insight into the applicant as a future employee. With that in mind, we’ve rounded up the top five worst interview questions to ask an applicant—and what you should ask instead.

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Leading the Leaders

School Heads // March 25, 2015

School Heads often find themselves in the position of “leading leaders”—that is, guiding people who are used to having the final say in their areas of expertise. A team of leaders understands the importance of getting things done and hammering out logistics. With them, you pit the best of the best against the problems your school faces. That same team can also devolve into a mosh pit of powerful personalities, all needing the last word. Whether your team becomes a league of private school superheroes or a catfight depends largely on how you frame and guide your leaders.

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Reports To and From the Finance Committee

Board of Trustees // March 24, 2015

Board members are ultimately responsible for the financial stability of the school, and part of their due diligence requires them to develop a strategic financial plan and a complementary budget. Trustees must keep tabs on budgetary issues, to ensure the strategic financial plan is progressing. However, actual budgets may not always jibe with the projected budgets developed by the Finance Committee. For this reason, the Business Office should provide frequent reports to the Finance Committee.

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