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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Ask ISM's Health Care Reform Specialist

Business and Operations // May 29, 2014

Q: If we hire an hourly administrative assistant to work full-time during the school year that would have unpaid summers and vacations off, are we legally required to offer health benefits? Likewise, are we “safe” with not paying health benefits for teachers' aides who work 32.5 hours a week during the school year?

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"Introducing ... New Teachers!"

School Heads // May 23, 2014

With the spring hiring frenzy in your rearview mirror, it’s time to start thinking about introductions and orientations for your newest employees! New teachers should feel welcome not just in faculty lounges, but in the larger school community, too.

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Attracting Exceptional Teachers

School Heads // May 23, 2014

As we inch closer to graduation, we start to think about what graduates will do as young adults entering the “real world.” If a recent study by centrist think tank Third Way is right, few of our highest achievers consider teaching as a personal career goal.

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Dear National Teacher Day: A Letter to First Year Teachers

Academic Leadership // May 16, 2014

National Teacher Day was May 6, and we couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate all of our teachers than to share a video made by Edutopia and SoulPancake featuring veteran teachers writing letters to themselves on their first day of school as a new teacher. (The transcript’s below, if you care to read instead of listen.)

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When Professional Development Is Useful for Your Teachers

Academic Leadership // May 16, 2014

In a past Division Head e-Letter, we shared examples of faculty professional development that didn’t make the most of in-service days. (In fact, it was borderline offensive!) Today, we’d like to take a moment to highlight some qualities of excellent professional development that comprise an enlightening experience for your faculty—and ultimately, your students.

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#GradSelfies: Pictures Tell the Stories of Your Graduates to the Community

Advancement // May 13, 2014

End-of-year graduations wouldn't be complete without the obligatory "photo ops" and self portraits ("selfies"). Besides, your school’s photographer can’t be everywhere at once, and so student- and family-provided pictures can capture some amazing moments for promotional use. Why not capitalize on the celebratory picture-snapping and start a “hashtag party” so that others can share in their happiness? Ask families to upload photographs to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest—all their preferred social media sites—from graduation and other senior-specific events using the school-approved hashtag so that everyone can see what they’re up to.

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Frequently Asked Questions About the Annual Fund—And How To Answer Them!

Advancement // May 13, 2014

As more parents come from the Millennial or Generation Y age groups, donors are (typically!) leery of giving to a nebulous “cause.” They prefer to know exactly how their donations are being used by the institution. Thus, convincing people to donate to your school’s annual fund can be tricky, as the annual fund is often a “catch all” fund raiser that finances many different programs at the school. Here, then, are some common questions asked by families about the annual fund, and how you can best answer them to encourage large donations.

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Exit Interviews: When Families Decide to Leave

Advancement // May 8, 2014

We love to talk about the things we love. It could be family and friends, the latest and greatest TV show or book, or a beloved vacation spot. Most of us tend to leave out the negative things, preferring to dwell on the positive. In general, that’s a great way to live and work. But, as an Admission Director, you know that ignoring the less-than-fantastic elements of your program will (eventually) lead to people departing from the school in droves, no matter how excellent the positive aspects are. So, be proactive! Before your school sees a massive exodus, find out why your withdrawing families are going elsewhere. This doesn’t have to be an awkward, unplanned conversation—a simple survey process can provide the answers you need and solid information you can act on.

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Perpetual Enrollment: Is It Right for Your School?

Advancement // May 8, 2014

As this year’s recruitment cycle winds down and you begin to make final decisions on applicants for next year’s class, it’s time to consider what your Admission Office did well this cycle and how it can improve for the next. One of the areas of concern for schools—turning to listservs and forums for insight—is re-enrollment. One way private-independent schools bypass this headache is to implement “perpetual” or “continuous” enrollment. In such an arrangement, the student is automatically re-enrolled for the next semester if the student has maintained sufficient standing to warrant the invitation to return (e.g., satisfactory behavior and academic performance) and the student’s account is paid in full. Is this a universal solution for every private school? Considering that every school is unique, maybe not—but it’s certainly worth examining further.

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Why Go Private?

Private School News // May 2, 2014

When choosing education options for their children, parents weigh many different considerations before making final decisions. ISM research shows that safety, academic rigor, and "value-added" educational opportunities to be top priorities for parents when they "go private." Still, numbers only tell you half of the story. Here are some parents describing their families' experiences in the private-independent school universe, and why they decided to "go private."

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