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Get Control Of Your Outlook Inbox

Private School News // February 29, 2012

Michael Lineberger, author of Master Your Workday Now!: Proven Strategies to Control Chaos, Create Outcomes, & Connect Your Work To Who You Really Are, specializes in organization. Here is a quick look at what the “Efficiency Guru” promises will help you control your chaotic inbox.

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From the Private School Blogosphere

Private School News // February 29, 2012

Blogs, forums, chat rooms, listservs—the choices go on and on. These can be valuable resources for finding alternative opinions and information about almost anything. From general private school news to just needing a quick laugh to fuel the rest of your day, blogs can remind you that you're not alone in the all-too often chaotic world of private-independent education.

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Spring Cleaning Safety Tips

Business and Operations // February 28, 2012

Spring is right around the corner, and for those who aren’t fans of winter, it can’t come quick enough. Spring flowers, warmer temperatures, more sunlight, and happy bird songs are enough to motivate most us to start cleaning away the winter dust. But before you jump into a large spring-cleaning project, consider these safety tips.

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Transportation Safety

Business and Operations // February 28, 2012

School transportation plays a large role in a student’s life. Getting to school safely—without enduring bullying or risky rides—or to an off-campus location for a field trip or sporting event, has a profound impact on students.

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From the HR Blogosphere

Business and Operations // February 27, 2012

Blogs, forums, chat rooms, listservs—the list goes on and on. These can be valuable resources for finding alternative opinions and information about almost anything. From HR concerns to just needing a quick laugh to fuel the rest of your day, blogs can remind you that you're not alone in the all-too-often chaotic world of private-independent education. This month’s selections expand on our “Jeremy Lin and Connectors” theme, focusing on coaching, mentoring, and collaborating.

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Ask Michael

Business and Operations // February 27, 2012

Q: I attended an educator’s workshop the other day where they told me that all schools had to offer FMLA (Family Medical Leave), even if the school has fewer than 50 employees? Is this true?

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What Jeremy Lin Can Teach Us About Leadership

Business and Operations // February 27, 2012

One of the biggest stories in the sports world in recent weeks has been the emergence of Jeremy Lin. Among a plethora of “lessons” available in Lin’s story, one has to do with the value of “connectors”—those people (in both sports and all other organizations) who somehow “connect” the people and change the game—and the atmosphere—in important ways.

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Design All of Your Employee Systems Around “Characteristics” (The Zappos Example)

Business and Operations // February 27, 2012

During the past decade, the shoe/retail goods Web site, has become world famous and grown into a multi-billion dollar organization by emphasizing an extraordinary customer experience—chiefly delivered by front-line employees who are deeply imbued with the organization’s mission, culture, and values. These employees are hired based on mission-appropriate “characteristics” (i.e., performance traits) that they possess. Then, at every point of their career with Zappos, these traits – which form the basis of the Zappos culture—are continually emphasized, encouraged, supported, trained, and rewarded.

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Rethinking Exam Periods for Optimal Assessment

Academic Leadership // February 22, 2012

Learning in the 21st century should be student-centered. Prescribed exam periods, de riguer in the 20th century learning model, are schedule-centered. They force students to perform in a “do-or-die” situation, whether or not they have adequately covered the material. Naturally, student stress levels shoot up in this high-stakes environment. Even worse, many schools schedule exam periods after break periods. Just when students should be using the time to rest and recharge, they are expected to work even more to do well on the exams that are to come.

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