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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Revising Curriculum and Assessment As COVID-19 Continues

Academic Leadership // June 28, 2020

The crisis-driven transition to distance learning was a major disruption in the 2020–21 school year. However, it also presented an opportunity to reimagine traditional education. If you haven’t already, consider redesigning your academic program to subscribe to a student-centered, outcome-based education model, rather than delivering a standards-based education.

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Three Steps for Projecting Fundraising Income as a Result of the Pandemic

Fundraising // June 21, 2020

The COVID-19 crisis has created a climate of uncertainty for development professionals. Schools are reviewing the results of a highly unusual fundraising season and trying to project income for the new year. Almost half of all schools experienced a decline in overall fundraising revenue for the 2019...

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What Marketing Leaders Must Do to Prepare for Campus Reopening

Marketing Communications // June 14, 2020

While communities still feel the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, your school can and should continue marketing. However, your messaging must shift. This is a time to reach out to people in solidarity and empathy. Create connections with new parents while also strengthening relationships with your current families. We recommend reviewing the following areas to continue marketing your school successfully.

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Answering Your Recently Asked COVID-19 Questions

School Heads // June 14, 2020

COVID-19 has impacted every aspect of our lives. We’ve received many questions from school leaders about how to pivot their offerings today and how to plan for the future. We wanted to share some of our answers with you here.

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How Admission Leaders Can Prepare for Fall 2020

Enrollment Management // June 7, 2020

The pandemic has created a number of enrollment challenges for schools, including a decrease in inquiries, slowed admission funnel activity, more requests for financial aid, and delays in re-enrollment commitments. To prepare for a safe and successful reopening this fall, admission and enrollment management leaders must focus their recruitment and re-recruitment efforts on strategies that are empathetic and realistic.

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The Next 60 Days: How to Prepare Before Reopening Campus

School Heads // June 7, 2020

The first day of the 2020–2021 school year will not be like any other. Now is the time to create and mobilize your School Reopening Task Force. This group must prepare and execute a detailed plan that prioritizes safety and continuity for your faculty, staff, students, and families. Your school’s plan serves as the foundation for a safe reopening and for the school year. Today, we’re sharing some things to consider.

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