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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Evaluate Your Prospects So You Are Ready to ACT

Fundraising // May 3, 2020

Before you can solicit donors and prospects, you should first evaluate them to confirm their ability to give, commitment to your school and the project, and track record of giving. When you have determined if your prospect meets the ACT criteria, you will be ready to solicit them with confidence.

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Managing the Impact of a Reduction in Force on Remaining Employees

School Heads // April 26, 2020

One of the most difficult responsibilities for a School Head is making staffing decisions, particularly when nonrenewals or reductions in force are necessary. As many schools look to the long-term impact of COVID-19, this unfortunate task might be something your team is considering.

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How Your School Should Respond to the Legal Repercussions of COVID-19

Business and Operations // April 26, 2020

We recently hosted a webinar with three legal experts from Zarwin Baum DeVito Kaplan Schaer Toddy, P.C., to answer your questions about how to handle loans, layoffs, and landlords during the COVID-19 crisis. While there are no simple answers for what we’re experiencing, we want to share insights from the webinar with you here.

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The Value of Parent-Teacher Relationships

Enrollment Management // April 19, 2020

So, how can teachers communicate with parents in a way that keeps them informed and engaged with their child’s education? How can teachers best satisfy parents’ expectations? ISM recommends that touch points between teachers and parents be personal and spontaneous. This is even more important now while students are learning from home and parents have become even more involved in their children’s education.

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Plans to Make If Your School Projects a Fiscal Loss

School Heads // April 19, 2020

The full impact of COVID-19 is yet to be determined, but many schools are prepared for the worst. Some are anticipating a fiscal loss. Such projections can trigger a knee-jerk reaction to cut the budget, so preparation is key.

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Five Tips for Donor Stewardship During COVID-19

Advancement // April 10, 2020

During this rapidly unfolding crisis, it's critical that development staff remain calm and focused on what development professionals and volunteers do best: building and sustaining relationships with donors and prospects.

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COVID-19: Tuition Refunds and Discounts

School Heads // April 10, 2020

COVID-19 has disrupted the traditional school year and creates numerous questions concerning tuition payments. ISM makes the following recommendations concerning tuition for the 2019–2020 year.

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