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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

The Benefits and Challenges of Personalized Learning

Academic Leadership // March 19, 2018

Personalized learning initiatives—a specific focus on matching students’ individual learning styles and competencies to their educational processes—have long been a focus for private-independent schools. As technology makes personalized learning initiatives even more individualized, a new study has analyzed the impact of personalized learning and whether it’s truly helping students succeed.

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Three Crucial Truths to Uncover During Exit Interviews

Advancement // March 15, 2018

A family can choose to leave your school for many different reasons. It’s up to the Admission office to determine why—and surface any underlying financial or culture issues that might be plaguing your school, causing families to choose other educational institutions.

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The First Step of Any Successful Fundraising Campaign

Advancement // March 15, 2018

Your case statement is a core element of every fundraising campaign. This marketing tool communicates with donors and prospects, and begins the process of matching their values and interests with your school’s mission and guiding principles.

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How to Manage a Sudden Enrollment Shift

School Heads // March 5, 2018

It can be a worst-case scenario for a School Head. You work with your team to solidify your budget months in advance, and plan for the coming school year accordingly. But, in August, you realize that fewer students enrolled than you had planned, or perhaps an unexpected increase in expenses surfaces.

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Ensure Your Long Term Disability Benefits Are Right for Your Community

Business and Operations // March 5, 2018

Your school is always looking to attract and retain the best mission-appropriate faculty and staff to help your students succeed. Your school’s benefits package serves as a powerful ally in quest. Ensuring that your current and prospective employees are adequately protected illustrates for them that they are a valued part of your organization.

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Communicate End-of-Year Changes Effectively

School Heads // March 5, 2018

It’s getting warmer, the days are getting longer and, yes, we are quickly approaching the end of the school year. No doubt spring brings excitement to your hallways, but there’s still much to do before the school year concludes. As School Head, you must navigate the changes that will take place at the end of the year.

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How to Handle Sensitive Issues at Your School

Business and Operations // March 5, 2018

Of all the responsibilities you shoulder as a key administrator, the one you might most readily relinquish is that of fielding a serious complaint from a parent, student, or employee.

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International Student Enrollment on the Decline

Private School News // February 26, 2018

For the first time in over a decade, colleges and universities saw a 3.3% decline in international freshman students. Media sources were quick to pick up the story, pointing blame at President Trump’s administration. However, the latest government study shows the decline began before the new president took office, leaving some to wonder if the well of opportunity has started to dry up.

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