Facebook Reaches 800 Million Users

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November 23, 2011

On the eve of yet another Facebook facelift (F8), Facebook hits a new milestone with 800 million users.

A little over a year ago, in July of 2010, social media reporting sites and blogs around the Internet creatively published charts showing the social media giant as the world’s third largest country. When the graphs as Facebook “the country” first starting popping up on the Internet, Facebook had just half of the users it has today—400 million. If it keeps doubling in size at its current rate, soon we’ll be seeing charts of Facebook as the world’s second largest country, surpassing the size of India’s population.

What does this milestone have to do with private-independent schools? Simply put, it means more possible reach.

Facebook reports that more than 50% of active users log on everyday—that’s a potential 400 million-user reach for your school’s Facebook page. Understandably, your school’s target audience is not worldwide users 13-65+. However, there is no denying it, Facebook continues to be one of the most powerful online resources for schools.

As Admissions Officer, your time is limited. As one of your school’s Facebook administrators, it’s a constant struggle to stay on top of Facebook’s continuing innovation. And, it’s about to update its interface again, reinventing yet again the way we communicate with one another. But, certainly the benefits of Facebook outweigh the frustrations. Before you start to panic about the new F8 changes coming our way, wondering how you’re going to balance learning yet another new set of tools and features, think about all that you gain incorporating Facebook into your marketing plan.

The possible reach of potential students and families is just one of the many benefits. It’s also a great vehicle to discover what others are saying about your school, and helpful for achieving and acquiring organic search results in major search engines. Its various applications can help you understand your families’ behaviors based on sharing and conversations.

And, if these reasons are not enough, check out “Top 5 Myths About Social Media for Business” from the IPWatchdog Web site. Understandably, the article was not written for private-independent schools, but the information can still be applied to your mission.

Additional ISM articles of interest
ISM Monthly Update for Development Vol. 10 No. 3 When Facebook Isn’t All Happy!
ISM Monthly Update for Business Managers Vol. 9 No. 7 Keeping Parents Informed on Facebook
Private School News Vol. 10 No. 5 Why People “Like” Facebook Pages
Private School News Vol. 9 No. 3 How to Know Which Social Networking Tool Fits You
Private School News Vol. 10 No. 4 Social Media Disasters: Costs, Dangers, and Quagmires


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