How Do Teaching Techniques Impact Students?

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Private School News//

July 25, 2012

Technology in schools has been a hot topic for several years. Schools, public and private alike, have been altering their classrooms and teaching styles to incorporate online resources and apps that engage students. But, what is working and what is not?

Technology affects students' lives in and outside of the classroom. Plugging into the Internet is a personal experience, and perhaps the reason why so many people are now referring to 21st century education as “personalized learning.” The Speak Up Survey from Project Tomorrow concluded that:

  • One in 10 high school students has tweeted about an academic topic that interested them.
  • Forty-six percent of high school students have used Facebook as a collaborative learning tool.
  • One in four students has used online videos to help with homework questions.
  • Almost 70% of high school students use technology to create presentations and media.
  • Almost 50% of high school students use social media for collaboration.
  • Middle and high school student access to personal tablets doubled from 2010 to 2011.
  • Half of high school students, 37% of middle school students, and 21% of students in grades 3-5 have access to a smart phone.
  • Twenty-seven percent of third through fifth graders, 47% of sixth through eighth graders, and 45% of nine through 12th graders said they have not taken an online course but would like to.
  • Fifty-two percent of students said online learning is an attractive option because they can control their own learning.

When students are actively engaged in the process of learning, they tend to be more passionate about what they are learning. The study also revealed that only 20% of students in a traditional classroom, with minimal or no technology, show a strong interest in science, technology, engineering, or math careers. Clearly, one can deduce based on of these findings, that technology in the classroom works—and that traditional lecture-based learning is on its way out.

But, let’s not draw conclusions from one study. Share with us how your school is using technology to engage students.

Additional ISM resources of interest:
Private School News Vol. 10 No. 2 Educating Kids About Social Media—21st Century Technology in the Classroom
ISM Monthly Update for Trustees Vol. 9 No. 8 Technology in the Classroom
ISM Monthly Update for Business Managers Vol. 9 No. 5 How Does Your School Measure Up To The Competition With Technology?
Private School News Vol. 9 No. 12 Technology in the Classroom: Is the U.S. Behind Other Nations?

Additional ISM resources for Gold Consortium members
I&P Vol. 26 No. 7 Technology and Student Achievement: Implications of the ‘West Virginia Story’


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