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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Comprehensive Interviewing: In-Person Interviews

School Heads // December 18, 2014

Every employer wants to hire the best candidate for an open position, but private-independent schools must be even more discriminating than just aiming for the best. After all, hiring for mission-appropriateness requires more careful scrutiny of a person’s character and bearing than simply checking off requirements from a resume. So the in-person interview is an essential part of every hiring process. But, if the importance of this interview has you working yourself into a tizzy trying to craft the best interview question or considering how your body posture could intimidate candidates, take a deep breath. In a previous article, we gave you some advice on handling phone interviews. This month, we’ve compiled some quick in-person interviewing tips to make your interviews successful and as stress-free as possible.

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Re-recruiting Experienced Trustees

Board of Trustees // December 16, 2014

The Board has completed the Board’s profile, identifying the skills and experience needed to bring the next stage of the school’s strategic plan to fruition. Now it’s time to determine who can best fill those roles.

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Donor-Advised Scholarships

Advancement // December 12, 2014

A donor establishes a scholarship fund at your school—maybe to attract more diverse applicants or to help remarkably qualified applicants who need financial assistance. The donor, however, expects to have a final say in who receives the scholarship, because it's “her” money providing the opportunity. This type of conflict of interest when it comes to scholarship distribution can quickly lead down a slippery slope of unlawful practices. In fact, other "standard practices" around donor-funded scholarships may be illegal altogether. If you’re in any doubt whether a practice is unlawful—even if it seems like a common-sense decision and the “right” thing to do—you should consult your school’s lawyers to avoid any entanglements. There are, however, a few common pitfalls we see often enough to feel they're worth warning against.

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#GivingTuesday: Supporting the Gift of Education

Advancement // December 12, 2014

(Primary image credit to Charity Navigator) Elevate your “cause” this holiday season by remembering the core reason of the season: The holidays are a time for giving. To reignite the true meaning of the holidays, the United Nations Foundation and community center 92nd Street Y began an initiative known as Giving Tuesday—or #GivingTuesday, if you’re on social media. The goal of this new “holiday” on the Tuesday following Black Friday and Cyber Monday is to counter corporate forces that have corrupted the giving season to one of capitalistic consumerism. Private-independent schools have adopted the event as an opportunity to remind their communities that they could give the gift of education to local students—thereby turning a national event into a local one.

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Gift Giving at Private Schools

Private School News // December 8, 2014

With the winter holiday season quickly approaching, everyone’s thinking about gift giving—and you’re probably on someone’s list. Both private school administrators and teachers give and receive gifts at school around this time of year, and it’s wise to plan early for thoughtful, appropriate gifts—or consider whether you should receive them at all.

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School Spotlight: Malvern’s Dedication to Professional Development

Private School News // December 8, 2014

Professional development for all members of a private-independent school is more than just a "perk" to be given if the budget allows. Tools and techniques often change faster than we can adapt, and without specialized instruction for teachers and administrators, a school can quickly lose its edge. At Malvern Preparatory School in Malvern, Pennsylvania, professional development for its teachers takes top priority. Head of School Christian Talbot spared a moment last month to talk with us about how the need for student-centered learning sparked a specialized training program for Malvern’s teachers—their own Summer Institute, where the instructors get instructed.

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“And to All, a Good Night”—Community Efforts by Independent Schools During the Holidays

Private School News // December 8, 2014

No matter what tradition you follow, the winter months bring a sense of cheer and wonder to all. But during a time of increased generosity and eager anticipation of gifts from loved ones, remembering those who are less fortunate takes a special emphasis and care. So this month, we’d like to share some bright moments of true holiday spirit, courtesy of schools across the country.

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“Admission” Versus “Admissions”

Advancement // December 5, 2014

Ever wonder what you’d be like if your name were different? If your parents had chosen Steve or Mary instead of Bob or Sue? The logical answer is that you’d be the same person you’ve always been, regardless. There’s always that niggling voice in the back of your head, though, whispering that you’d be more assertive as a Mary or nicer as a Steve. There’s a similar debate over the name of your office, with little consensus between schools. Titles and office names are the first impression you give to any prospective family—or fellow peer—and can color someone’s initial judgment of both you and the work you do. With that in mind, let’s consider the many rationales for “Admission” or “Admissions,” and reflect on the potential hidden meanings behind your choice of title.

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Current Families Welcome, Retain New Students

Advancement // December 5, 2014

Your involvement with students and families doesn’t end after their acceptance to your school. Families who feel welcomed and involved are more likely to stay—which means less hassle and headache for you later when re-enrollment time comes around. To encourage a welcoming and supportive atmosphere for new families, try a “host family” program.

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