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Your “Ask” Calendar

Advancement // March 7, 2014

Sometimes it can feel as though fund raising never stops. As soon as one campaign is over, another begins. Once the Parent Association raises enough money to send students to band camp, they begin another for basketball uniforms—and doesn’t the biology lab need new beakers? All of these requests can drown your families in a tidal wave of requests for money, leaving them exhausted by the time the annual fund comes around. An easy way to fix this is an “ask” calendar.

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Three Social Media Sites You Don’t Hear About Anymore

Advancement // March 5, 2014

Remember when a “post on your wall” meant some strange form of graffiti and everyone had an AOL chat handle? In memory of some of our favorite social Web sites of days gone by, here is a list of three defunct social media sites, why they tanked, and what your school’s social marketing campaign can learn from their errors.

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“Welcome!" Now What?—What You Send to Accepted Students

Advancement // March 5, 2014

After days of maneuvering around stacks of unopened envelopes balanced on desks like paper Jenga towers and peering at indecipherable handwriting on recommendations and evaluations, you’ve done it. You have created the perfect incoming class for next school year. You are about to make some fortunate children (and their parents) incredibly happy. Now, to tell them the great news! Enter your acceptance packet.

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Bullying: Address the Problem, Attack the Cause

Private School News // February 27, 2014

How do you define “bullying”? Each state has a unique legal definition of what it means to bully, but what do you think of when you hear that one student has bullied another? Is it the boy who had his head flushed in a toilet, or the girl whose lunch money was taken? Sure, but bullying can also be more subtle and insidious. Take Colin, an eleven-year-old boy suffering from a sensory disorder similar to Asperger’s syndrome. Colin told his mother that he didn’t want a birthday party because no one would come. While indirect, this social ostracism certainly constitutes a sort of bullying—all the more difficult to combat because it’s so hard to identify.

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Why Teachers Quit

Private School News // February 27, 2014

In a recent Huffington Post article, young professionals regard teaching as a “starter job” rather than a career choice. It's something noble to do for a few years, but new teachers leave for other professions. Maybe you’ve struggled with a “revolving door” at your private school, resulting in expensive and morale-killing teacher turnover. In cases like this, keeping new talent in the classrooms can seem like an impossible task. The first step in retaining excellent teachers is to discover why they quit.

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Electives: What Should You Offer?

School Heads // February 25, 2014

Two weeks ago, ISM's Deans e-List buzzed with some questions on elective requirements and offerings. As you learn more about the talents of your students and faculty to prepare programs for the next academic year, now is the perfect time to consider adding dynamic new electives.

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Winter Playground Safety

Business and Operations // February 25, 2014

If you’re in the northern part of the country, you’ve been bombarded with snowfall after snowfall this year. Even some of the Southern states have seen icy, slippery conditions this season. And, what does snow bring with it besides snow days? Increased recess safety risks.

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Mac vs Microsoft: Don’t “Scroogle” Your Advertising Strategy

School Heads // February 25, 2014

(Picture credit to Advertising goes beyond a branded color scheme and happy pictures. All pieces of your school’s marketing should be a part of a single cohesive vision, and as the School Head, part of your responsibility is to steer that overall strategy. Let's take a close look at two advertising campaigns for computers and associated programs that have run in the last few years by two different companies. Each told a similar story with its advertising, but one succeeded while another failed. Though not school examples, there are lessons we can take away for your own marketing campaign.

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Communicating Emergencies

Business and Operations // February 25, 2014

Winter weather has caused tricky situations for many schools this season. There certainly has been no shortage of snow days taken—meaning lots of opportunities to test your school’s notification process to families of closings and late openings. If you’re located in the Northeast, you may have ironed all of the wrinkles out of your process already. However, if you’ve had more than one confused communication with your families, faculty, and staff regarding changing operation hours, these tips will help you adjust your policies for future winters.

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