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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Raising the Bar on Your Summer Program

School Heads // September 11, 2013

School is back in session across the nation (for year-rounders, the fall session is in gear), and another summer program is in the bag. Now is the time to revisit and reassess what you offered, who attended, and the strength of your bottom line. By setting goals now for summer 2014, you can take your summer program to the next level to recruit and re-recruit students and enhance your hard income.

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Employee Benefits You Might Not Think of as Benefits

Business and Operations // September 9, 2013

With all the changes affecting health care and premiums, you, along with your Head and Board, might be looking for additional benefits to offer your faculty and staff. Not necessarily medical or life insurance benefits, but instead, small changes or alterations to your school-wide policies that can be perceived as beneficial, helping lift some of the frustrating focus off increasing premiums and diminishing coverages.

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Ask the Health Care Reform Specialist

Business and Operations // September 9, 2013

Q: Since the Obama administration has postponed the employer “pay or play” until 2015, are there health care reform changes I need to worry about, or is there nothing I need to focus on until next year?

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Attract Families With Facebook

Advancement // September 6, 2013

Families are your school’s strongest advocates for your education program. They play an important role in your social media strategy to promote viral marketing. According to Marketing to Moms Coalition’s 2012 State of the American Mom report, only 4% of moms and 7% of dads are willing to post offers from companies on their page. This means that “fan pages” struggle to gain shares from parents, which is the ultimate necessity for increasing positive brand awareness.

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How to Get Your Faculty Ready for Your Open House

Advancement // September 6, 2013

Open house season is around the corner and already it’s trending on ISM’s EList for Admission Officers. Members have been discussing the key to their open house success relies on an effective marketing orientation for teachers. Given the faculty’s influential role, training helps teachers understand their purpose at admission events.

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One-to-One Risks in 21st Century Learning

Private School News // August 28, 2013

Since the buzz around 21st Century Learning began (more than a decade ago), educational studies have linked the exploding popularity of digital technology to student success. As this technology continues to impact the educational community, it is no surprise that hundreds of schools are making headlines this summer about funding iPads in the classroom.

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Digital Citizenship: Netiquette in Education

Private School News // August 28, 2013

Digital citizenship is the norm of appropriate and responsible Internet behavior based on nine themes including commerce, law, communication and etiquette. Today, educators focus their efforts on plagiarism and piracy (law). Consequently, teachers and administrators struggle with who should be addressing netiquette. All too often, they avoid it and “respectfully” rely on parents to set standards for their children’s social media use.

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Health Care Reform Deadline: October 1, 2013

Private School News // August 28, 2013

Just as the new school year gets into swing and your desk is flooded with a fresh stack of paperwork, the October 1 Health Care Reform deadline zeros in on your to-do list as well. On the positive side, this deadline shouldn’t be additional paperwork that you need to sort, file, and complete. However, it is something you need to address with your faculty and staff—so, yes, there is some paperwork that needs to be distributed as employees return.

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Renewing Your Health Insurance Policies Early

Private School News // August 8, 2013

New health care reform deadlines are nearing. While some schools are well prepared, others are still scrambling to understand how the changes will impact them. It’s true, the changes will effect schools somewhat differently than they will effect large companies. These differences are not clearly outlined on available government documents. If you’re not keeping up with latest news or don’t have a broker on top of the evolving definitions of what is considered full time and part time in the education world, you could be lost.

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Twitter Tips

Private School News // August 8, 2013

Social media isn’t just for the young. It’s for everyone. It’s a resource for keeping in touch with friends and colleagues, news, and of course, trending topics. Twitter is one of the social giants—growing daily—that is exceptionally good at all of the mentioned. If you’ve felt a void with losing your RSS feeds, Twitter is a great compromise with its daily trending topics and constant evolving conversations. If you’ve neglected your account or only dabbled here and there finding yourself frustrated with the unique lingo, we encourage you to take some time this summer and explore the platform some more.

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