Community Corner

Community Corner
Community Corner

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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Four Reasons to Incorporate a New Evaluation Framework

Academic Leadership // March 7, 2021

We often discuss ISM’s approach to faculty growth and evaluation that prioritizes predictability and support for teachers, students, and administrators. Our Comprehensive Faculty Development framework has two distinct elements. Today we’re focusing on the benefits of a focused and uniform evaluation framework. If you haven’t already adopted such an approach at your school, consider these four ways it can re-energize your teaching staff.

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10 Tips for Handling Negative Online Comments About Your School

Marketing Communications // March 7, 2021

Negative comments will happen—it's collateral damage resulting from today's digital culture. When they occur online, they can often feel petty, unfair, or even cruel. They might be written by a frustrated parent, unhappy student, or even someone who has never interacted with your school.

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Go Beyond Getting a ‘Yes’ From Parents Who Apply for Admittance

Enrollment Management // March 7, 2021

Marketing your independent school is a never-ending process, and much of it has to do with your enrollment cycle. Whether you are targeting prospective students, bringing accepted students into your community, or encouraging existing students to re-enroll, your work is never done. With a solid enrollment cycle, you can ensure a strong institution.

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How to Ensure Your School's Marketing Is Student-Centered

Marketing Communications // February 28, 2021

There are many audiences you want to reach when marketing your school. You want to appeal to prospective and current parents and students to bolster recruitment and re-recruitment efforts. Perhaps educators want to showcase future teaching opportunities or highlight prominent community members to appeal for their generous support.

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Creating a Culture of Support and Growth in Private Schools

Academic Leadership // February 28, 2021

Students are encouraged to learn and grow each day, both in and out of the classroom. They are given the tools to become critical thinkers—a gift that will serve them long beyond graduation. Acquiring these skills doesn’t happen in a vacuum; it is achieved when there is an established culture of growth and accountability in all aspects of their independent school.

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Leave the Stress Behind to Make Your Next Hire a Success

School Heads // February 21, 2021

Hiring the best candidates in any industry can be challenging, especially during a pandemic. The stress and time-consuming nature of finding and hiring the right person for a specific role too often leads to settling for an “adequate” placement—not a “best hire.”

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How to Tell If Your School Is Ready for a Schedule Change

Academic Leadership // February 21, 2021

If there's ever been a school year where the typical plans, schedules, and procedures have been completely thrown out the window, it's this one. Leading during the COVID-19 pandemic has been trying. It's also created opportunities to rethink systems you always thought were set in stone and completely unchangeable.

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