Community Corner

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Community Corner

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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Fall 2020 Reopening Plans Are a Sophie’s Choice

School Heads // August 23, 2020

We explore the potential impact of both distance learning and returning to campus amid a global pandemic on student well-being. As an organization, we predict the potential high frequency of the stops and starts of in-person learning may ultimately have a greater negative impact on educational continuity and student health and safety than a full distance learning program. While every school is ultimately responsible for its individual choices, consider the following as you evaluate your options for education delivery this fall.

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Create a Strategic Development Committee Agenda for the Year

Fundraising // August 23, 2020

Your strategically focused Board of Trustees is key to making your development programs effective and sustainable. When your Board centers on decision-making that is future-focused and viability-motivated, your school not only prospers, but you can also inspire your donors and prospects to commit philanthropic dollars to your school.

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Marketing Tips for the 2020–21 School Year

Marketing Communications // August 16, 2020

As families face uncertainty about their child’s education and schooling options this fall, your school’s marketing messages matter more than ever before. What your school says to current and prospective families must illustrate your strengths as an institution, your confidence in the future, and your mission as central to every decision that you make.

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Creating a More Equitable and Inclusive School Environment

School Heads // August 16, 2020

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) work should not be a short-term messaging change to address recent events, nor should it be limited to schools that have been asked to or seen a need to address these issues. DEI work at an institutional level is necessary for the sustainability of all independent schools in a competitive market.

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Five Barriers That Can Impact Your Decision-Making

School Health and Wellness // August 9, 2020

School Heads have found themselves grappling with making decisions in the face of unprecedented uncertainty—the biggest of which may just be whether or not to reopen your school’s physical campus. The rules of the game are changing by the hour. Alas, decision-making cannot be avoided, especially during a crisis. Heads who must make important decisions under duress need to recognize problems that can affect the quality of their decision-making.

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Board Clarity—Leading Through the COVID-19 Pandemic

Board of Trustees // August 9, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for independent schools. The urgent, overwhelming, and ever-changing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic is causing Boards to consider operational issues typically reserved for the School Head and Leadership Team. The most pressing concern, reopening the facility, is such an issue. It is vital that Boards and School Heads work together to make the right decisions.

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