Community Corner

Community Corner
Community Corner

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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Give Your Donors a Little TLC During the Crisis

Fundraising // May 31, 2020

A proactive response is especially important for those who make financial gifts to your school during this difficult time. As your school’s Advancement Officer, showing your gratitude for their gifts in a sensitive and meaningful way gives your donors the confidence that their gifts are being put to good use and motivates them to give again.

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Practical Advice for Confident Leadership

School Heads // May 17, 2020

As a member of your school's Leadership Team, you must make practical and sometimes painful decisions to protect your school and its mission. The steps you take now will make or break your ability to handle a crisis of this magnitude in the future.

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How to Demonstrate Value in the Wake of COVID-19

Enrollment Management // May 17, 2020

This is a crucial time to demonstrate the value that your school provides. It is vital to remind the entire community that while the campus is closed, your school is not. No matter the medium, your school provides exceptional service and concrete deliverables.

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Ensure Your School Takes Care of Your Teachers

Academic Leadership // May 17, 2020

As student education continues through distance learning, it is important to consider the enormous responsibilities that fall to your teachers. Your teachers work hard and are the most visible, tangible demonstration of your program’s value to parents during this time. Here’s what you should do to take care of them.

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Will COVID-19 Change the Face of Education?

School Heads // May 10, 2020

As schools have made a quick flip to distance learning, will this have a lasting impact on the education system as a whole? The reality is that it is too early to tell. However, School Heads should be proactive right now.

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School Facilities Maintenance in Light of COVID-19

Business and Operations // May 10, 2020

As the 2019–2020 school year closes, many leaders are asking questions about reopening in the fall. There is much to consider. We recommend following this three-prong approach when considering reopening your school.

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How to Communicate Effectively With Parents Right Now

Enrollment Management // May 3, 2020

Parents’ perceptions of your school’s offerings remain one of the most important aspects that influence their enrollment and re-enrollment decisions. Now, perhaps more than ever, parents are experiencing—firsthand—how your school operates each and every day.

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