Community Corner

Community Corner
Community Corner

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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Active Shooter Awareness: Regaining Control in the "New Normal"

Private School News // September 27, 2019

Active shooter trainings and programs to teach coping skills are not only part of our lives on campus, but also our personal lives. Many students, parents, teachers, and staff members deal with anxiety related to school shootings. We must regain control and find personal balance within this new normal.

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Avoid Setting Traps for Your Architect

Board of Trustees // September 25, 2019

As a member of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, you’re likely involved in any planning for new buildings and renovations on campus. Before you even hire an architect to carry out those plans, your school may make decisions that hinder the firm’s ability to bring the project to a successful conclusion.

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Managing Your Risks as a Trustee

Board of Trustees // September 24, 2019

You are, or have volunteered to be, a Trustee of your school. With this important role, come not only rewards and important responsibilities, but also certain risks of which you must be mindful.

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Three Things Every Scheduler Needs

Academic Leadership // September 18, 2019

The process of changing your schedule and processing students effectively isn’t always easy. Your schedulers require three key elements to make the adjustments necessary to best serve your students, faculty, and school as a whole.

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Tips for More Efficient Time Management

Academic Leadership // September 17, 2019

Time is one of your most precious commodities. It can seem like there’s never enough of it to finish everything you need to do, and items on your to-do list continue to pile up. If you’re struggling with time management, here are some tips to ensure a productive and efficient year.

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Getting to Know ISM’s Development Team: Michael Christopher

Advancement // September 12, 2019

We’re proud to share that Michael Christopher is joining ISM’s Development Team, effective January 1, 2020. In this role, he’ll continue to lead strategic planning and development workshops; author articles; advise Boards, school leaders and development offices; present at conferences; and oversee strategic planning and school consultations.

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School Safety: Statistics and Guidelines

Business and Operations // September 11, 2019

School security is a crucial topic. We all want to do everything in our power to keep students, faculty, and staff safe, while providing a comfortable atmosphere that empowers learning, not fear. The balance is delicate and there is no right answer—every school will need to take its own measures to protect its campus.

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Offering a School Carpool? Consider These Tips.

Business and Operations // September 10, 2019

Transporting children to and from your school can offer a host of logistical challenges. You might employ a variety of options—public school busses, school-owned vehicles, transportation vendors, parents, and ride-shares. Many schools also consider organizing carpools among interested families.

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