Community Corner

Community Corner
Community Corner

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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Want a Stronger School Culture? Think ‘Professional Development’

School Leadership // January 25, 2019

ISM often finds that private-independent schools still underfund professional development (PD), perhaps unaware of its importance and thus downplaying it in the budget. As a Trustee, ensure that enough funding is allocated to professional development for all school employees. The difference could be a vibrant school culture, rather than one that’s simply “going through the motions.”

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How to Involve Student Voices in the Disciplinary Process

Academic Leadership // January 24, 2019

Many schools form disciplinary and honor committees to help resolve behavior-based student issues. If mission-appropriate, some schools choose to include students on these committees to ensure students feel heard and are involved in the process.

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Three Dimensions of Strategic Academic Planning

Academic Leadership // January 23, 2019

Strategic academic planning is a complex subject with no simple answers. Your school must construct your academic offerings in a way that best supports your mission, while also doing what’s best for your students. Consider these three dimensions of strategic academic planning as you continue to evaluate what makes sense for your school.

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Tips for the Perfect Admission Packet

Advancement // January 14, 2019

Creating the perfect admission packet for your school requires careful thought. After all, what works for the school down the street may not work for yours—your school’s admission packet must reflect your school’s unique culture, beliefs, and mission.

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How to Safely Maintain School Employee Records

Business and Operations // January 12, 2019

Many schools put tremendous effort into maintaining student records. However, there is sometimes less emphasis on maintaining and organizing proper employee records. It’s important to store your employee records appropriately for both organizational and audit purposes. Enstating a system that can be easily followed ensures current and future administrators can find the information he or she needs quickly, and helps protect your school from risk.

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