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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Crisis Communication: What’s Your Plan?

Advancement // May 8, 2018

Your school probably has a well-thought-out crisis plan in place to help your school react should the unthinkable happen. But an often-overlooked aspect of a crisis plan is communication.

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Three Ways to Set Your Assistant Head Up for Success

School Heads // May 3, 2018

If your school employs an Assistant Head, it may be tempting to think of this position as a “catch all” for everything on your plate that you can’t or don’t have the time to accomplish. This shouldn't be the case, though. The Assistant Head position has the power to enhance your school’s operations. This role must be structured effectively to ensure it’s a value-add to your duties as School Head. Follow these guidelines for setting your Assistant Head up for success.

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Ensure Your College Guidance Program Is Structured Effectively

School Heads // May 3, 2018

For schools that have an upper level, helping students find and apply to the college of their dreams is a critical concern for many counselors and staff members throughout the year. As this school year comes to a close and students complete the college application and acceptance process, it’s time to review your program for next year.

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Follow These Tips When Hiring New Advancement-Focused Employees

Advancement // May 1, 2018

The spring is a busy time for administrators who work in admission, enrollment management, development, and marketing communications. As your team works together to attract, select, and accept new students, you may also consider adding new administrators to your ranks. Hiring new employees during an already stressful and hectic period isn’t easy. But it’s imperative to manage this process well and take care of candidates through every step in your hiring process.

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Five Steps for Smooth Summer Admission Tours

Advancement // May 1, 2018

The summer is no time for rest in the Admission Office. Chances are that there may still be open seats for the upcoming school year and you’ll be working through the summer months to fill those spots. But tours can feel less lively in the summer. There isn’t the usual hustle and bustle that lets prospective families see classes in action and students enjoying activities and programs.

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How to Help Students Cultivate Collaborative Problem-Solving Skills

Private School News // April 26, 2018

Helping students learn problem-solving and collaboration skills will be essential to their future job success. In today’s global workforce, employees must be able to work together across geographies and time zones to solve problems, generate solutions, and effect change. School leaders are charged with empowering students to learn these fundamental competencies through their curricula and programs.

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How Will You Recognize the Qualified Interim Head?

Board of Trustees // April 24, 2018

Your School Head of 20 years is about to retire and your Search Committee has been unable to find a new Head who “fits” your school’s current strategic goals. You’ve decided to select an Interim Head, a temporary position for the upcoming school year, until a new Head can be found for the following year.

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Nine ‘Icebergs’ That Can Sink Your Ship

Board of Trustees // April 24, 2018

As an experiment, ISM suggests that your Board list the top strategies or actions you would take if you wanted your school to fail utterly. Then put systems and processes into place to avoid these scenarios. The following nine ‘icebergs’ are likely to sink your ship, resulting in insolvency, weakened organizational stability, and increased bureaucracy.

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The Importance of Positive Parent-Teacher Relationships

Academic Leadership // April 17, 2018

Teachers and parents provide a vital support system to help students flourish. Both groups are important. But, when parents and teachers communicate and work together effectively, it can significantly impact each student’s long-term success.

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