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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

10 Reasons You Were Meant to Work at a Private School

Private School News // October 31, 2016

Life as a private-independent school administrator is intensely rewarding, despite the emergencies or interdepartmental spats that arise every fifth moment of the day. When it starts to feel like your entire job is consumed by all the negative aspects, read this article and rediscover why you began your private school career.

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Students’ Self-Reporting of Homework Times Wildly Inaccurate, 2016 Study Finds

Private School News // October 31, 2016

There’s been a lot of chatter about the efficacy of homework lately, even here on The Source. Some folks find fault with the quality of homework given, and others with the quantity. However, a study published in the June 2016 edition of the Journal of Psychology has evidence that previous reports and suggestions based on student estimations of homework time could be wildly inaccurate. If verified, this finding could possibly invalidate the last decade’s worth of homework efficacy studies.

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Curing “Shiny Object Syndrome”: How to Identify Useful Change

School Heads // October 28, 2016

Naturalist Charles Darwin once said, “It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.” While change is vital to every organization’s survival, how a school manages that change determines its viability for the next generation of students. Therefore, identifying the adjustments that are right for your school—and making sure your school is ready for such changes—becomes more strategically important than keeping up with the Jones’s school down the road. This month, we’ll be talking about the cost of "shiny object syndrome," and how to avoid dedicating your school to a failing change proposition.

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10 Reasons You Were Meant to Be a School Head

School Heads // October 28, 2016

School Heads may have one of the hardest jobs in the world, being expected to be “on duty” during every emergency and every rally. You navigate social media meltdowns, campus emergencies, faculty requests, and parent expectations every day—and your biggest thank-you is a smile from a student at your presence. That smile is probably the biggest reason why you signed on for this job in the first place. However, just in case you’ve forgotten why you wanted this gig in the first place, we’ve got a list of the top ten reasons why being a School Head was what you were meant to do.

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10 Reasons You Were Meant to Be a Business Manager

Business and Operations // October 27, 2016

The Business Office has some of the most diverse hats to wear within private school administration. HR, insurance compliance, facilities upkeep, cash flows, and reports—your office is the hub of compliance and the nitty-gritty details of what makes your school tick beneath the surface. Between the many spontaneous emergencies that crop up at the worst possible moments and the immoveable deadlines you must reach, it can be difficult to recall why you signed up for this job in the first place. But, that's why we’re here to remind you of the great parts of your job.

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Encouraging Ideal Trustees to Serve Again

Board of Trustees // October 27, 2016

A profiled Board includes Trustees who collectively possess the skills, expertise, clout, and financial resources to enable a school to fulfill its mission. The Committee on Trustees is charged with developing and maintaining this “profile” based on the requirements of the school’s planning documents. A key element in this process is re-recruiting Trustees who fit the profile.

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Mindful Mentoring

Business and Operations // October 27, 2016

Being a mentor surpasses the responsibility of new hire orientations and campus tours. Meaningful mentoring is a deeper relationship between two faculty (or staff) members, focused on revealing and amplifying strengths, patiently guiding, and inspiring. It is a big responsibility, one that should not be taken lightly, and—if paired correctly—can positively influence not only the mentee, but also your overall school culture.

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The Impending Teacher Shortage

Board of Trustees // October 27, 2016

It’s clear from the recently released report from ACT, The Condition of Future Educators 2015, that the nation faces a teacher shortage in coming years. ACT has conducted research on career and college preparation since its founding in 1959, releasing their annual report every August. The most recent report focused specifically on students showing an interest in a career in education. The results are not promising.

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“Advanced Placement” Doesn’t Equal Higher College Grades, Study Finds

Academic Leadership // October 25, 2016

Many schools—public, charter, and private alike—offer The College Board’s “rigorous” Advanced Placement (AP) program to their most driven pupils. Students take these courses for the educational challenge and (they hope) the “advanced” standing they’ll receive from secondary institutions in the form of college credits. However, a new study has recently shed doubts on whether these AP programs mean greater success for students at the collegiate level.

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