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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Five Reasons Why Rolling Admission Might Be a Bad Idea

Advancement // September 1, 2015

Rolling admission is the process of judging each prospective student as his or her application is completed without imposing deadlines by which materials must be submitted and interviews accomplished. While many schools, both K-12 and higher, implement such a program as their main form of admission, there are some distinct disadvantages to such a system. As such, here are some tidbits worth considering if you have (or are thinking about instituting) rolling admission at your school.

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Eight Outrageous Book Bans

Private School News // August 31, 2015

Banned Book Awareness Week is from September 27 through October 3, encouraging people to celebrate their right to read controversial ideas and formerly condemned texts. In honor of that noble cause, we’ve collected a list of eight books that were banned from American schools for reasons that are occasionally incomprehensible and often hilarious.

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School Spotlight: The Christ School’s One Great Day of Service

Private School News // August 31, 2015

The Christ School, a K-8 interdenominational Christian School, delivers its mission of “scholarship, service, and leadership” not only to its students, but also to the poorest and neediest of its community. Hoping to bring awareness of their unique community service efforts in downtown Orlando, Head of School Dr. Jason Powell contacted our chief editor via Twitter for the opportunity to be featured as our school spotlight. We're thrilled to share how The Christ School delivers its mission of service in the heart of the city.

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Ask ISM’s Risk Manager

Business and Operations // August 13, 2015

Q: Our broker keeps mentioning Cyber Insurance. We’re not a technology-focused school, although we do offer some advanced computer-based courses, and so I’m struggling to understand how we would benefit from this extra protection. For the cost associated with this coverage, I need some solid reasoning to bring to my School Head as to why we should consider purchasing it. Is this coverage worth carrying for schools not immersed in computer science?

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Empowering Your (Social) Network

Business and Operations // August 13, 2015

If you’re a fan of Fast Company, then you might have stumbled across a recent article, "The Three People Who Matter Most In Your Network." Josh Mait nailed it when he said the three most important people you can connect with are The Hub (someone with many connections), The Mentor (someone with many connections, but who is more selective in his/her networking), and The Rising Star (a smart, driven, up-and-coming elite who wants your mentorship).

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Sexual Misconduct on Campus Part II: Background Checks

Business and Operations // August 13, 2015

In Vol. 5. No. 8, we published Part I of this series on sexual misconduct. We started the series with an overview of common terms and external resources, laying the foundation to help schools create policies and protocols. In this second part, we’re going to focus on combating sexual violence with comprehensive background checks. Primary image credit to Vanguard Dahlonega

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Are Students Overworked? Research Offers Insights

Private School News // August 6, 2015

With extracurricular-driven “superkids” and homework horror stories driving media headlines, it begs the question: Are today’s students truly overworked to the point of mental and physical health risks? Research suggests that the rigors through which we push many students are not enough to warrant panic, though that may not be true across the board.

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School Spotlight: Private School Student Proves “Irish Need Not Apply” Signs Existed

Private School News // August 6, 2015

Over 10 years ago, history professor Richard Jenson published a paper in the Oxford Journal’s Journal of Social History, claiming that the famed “Irish need not apply” signs—a classic example of early American intolerance toward its immigrant population—was simply a “myth of victimization.” However, after online media sources found his paper, creating a minor viral storm of re-publication and citation, a single curious private school student discovered on a whim the very signs the college professor said he couldn’t find. Primary image credit to Irish Central

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FLSA Proposed Overtime Changes May Have Ramifications for Private Schools

Private School News // August 6, 2015

The U.S. Labor Department has proposed an increase in the minimum salary required to meet the basic compensation criterion (the minimum salary requirement for salaried employees), possibly resulting in major payroll upheaval for private-independent school administrators across the board. The updated amount is currently anticipated to be $50,440.00, increased from $24,500.00. Another significant change in the rule is that this amount will be automatically updated to reflect inflation.

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