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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

When the Outgoing Head Stays in the Community

Board of Trustees // October 22, 2019

A Head who leaves your school and takes a position elsewhere is the most common scenario, but not the only one. Be wary of the situation created by the chief administrator who leaves the school but remains in the community—particularly a long-term and beloved Head who is going into retirement.

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What’s a Data Team and How Does It Support Your School?

Academic Leadership // October 18, 2019

Data is one of the most vital things your school can collect. It’s easy to make assumptions about what students, parents, faculty, and staff actually want. But data, collected often and pragmatically, provides insight into what your constituencies really want and need.

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Inboarding Versus Onboarding: Know the Difference to Help Your Leaders Succeed

Academic Leadership // October 17, 2019

You may have heard the terms inboarding and onboarding—and assumed they were the same. But these two terms refer to how to bring a person into the fold of your school, depending on their experience. Whether you’re starting a new role yourself or are supporting someone as they take on a leadership position, know the difference between these terms to help your leaders succeed.

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Social Media Guidelines for Private Schools

Advancement // October 10, 2019

All schools can create a social media policy that dictates its answers to these questions and can be referred to when situations arise. This policy should go beyond how school channels will be used, and answer questions about what is and isn’t acceptable around social media use in your community.

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Can You Raffle Off Tuition as a Fundraiser?

Advancement // October 10, 2019

Coming up with innovative ideas for fundraisers can be challenging. You want to pique your community’s interest, offer something that’s of value to them, and raise money for your school in the process. One idea might be to raffle off partial tuition as a fundraiser, perhaps as the ultimate item during your Auction Gala.

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Three Benefits of Monthly Head Chats

School Heads // October 3, 2019

It can be hard for parents to feel like you’re connected to them and their children from behind your desk or through your school’s emails and social media posts. That’s why we suggest holding monthly “Head chats,” inviting parents to campus to have intimate discussions about topics that matter to them.

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