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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

New Report on Crime and Safety Highlights Current Trends in Schools

Board of Trustees // May 29, 2019

Creating a safe haven for the students at your school is a major Board concern, and making sure all the protocols and policies for school safety are in place is a must. With this in mind, consider the report, Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2018, recently released by the National Center fo...

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Four Tips to Guide Your Growth as an Academic Leader

Academic Leadership // May 24, 2019

Academic leaders act as an essential bridge within the school. Here are four tips to grow your personal and professional leadership skills so you can continue to support your direct reports, students, and school.

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How to Create an Effective Teacher Induction Program

Academic Leadership // May 23, 2019

You know how critical it is to select the right teachers for your school, and give them the proper tools and experiences to excel in your environment. There are a host of things that a new teacher needs to understand. This is where an induction program can help.

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Prepare Now to Set Next Year’s Annual Fund Up for Success

Advancement // May 17, 2019

Your annual fund strategy should function as an effective tool for informing, involving, and bonding your constituencies to your school. It creates a structure for giving your community opportunities to become more educated about your students, the excellence of your faculty, and your school’s ability to accomplish its mission.

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The Importance of Tracking Alumni Accomplishments

Advancement // May 16, 2019

Highlighting what your alumni accomplish after graduation is one of the best ways to market your school. By using real-life examples to illustrate student outcomes, prospective families can see the value your school provides—and choose to send their children to your institution.

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Key Elements of Your School’s Insurance Policy

Business and Operations // May 10, 2019

An effective insurance policy is one where your school transfers risk to a third-party to protect your school’s long-term interests. But sometimes it helps to have a breakdown of how exactly to read an insurance policy to ensure it provides the protection you require.

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Reducing Operating Costs—Without Causing Panic

Business and Operations // May 9, 2019

It can feel like your job constantly revolves around cutting costs and balancing budgets. An area where many Business Managers focus their attention when it comes to the budget is employee benefits.

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