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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Asking Employees to Volunteer at Events? Consider This.

Advancement // December 11, 2018

You probably manage the planning and execution of at least a few events throughout the school year, and you might lean on your staff to help run these events. This may be OK, as long you keep specific guidelines in mind to ensure all employees are treated fairly.

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Tips to Keep in Mind During Hiring Season

Business and Operations // December 5, 2018

We may be several months away from traditional hiring season, but it’s always good to brush up on tips and tricks before it starts full-force to keep the process running smoothly.

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Concussion Protocols You Must Know

Business and Operations // December 4, 2018

Accidents involving students, teachers, or staff are bound to happen from time to time. Whether you offer contact sports or someone simply falls, your school should create, distribute, and follow concussion protocols that can be easily referenced when an accident occurs.

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Three More Dimensions of Meaningful Professional Development

School Heads // December 2, 2018

We recently shared three dimensions that all meaningful professional development initiatives should share. Those three traits—intentionality, individuality, and lifelong—help ensure your leaders, faculty, and staff get the most knowledge and insight out of any learning opportunity. Today we’re following up with three more dimensions of meaningful professional development. Keep these in mind as you structure your learning programs and budget for teachers and administrators.

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New Research Shows Emerging Private-School Enrollment Trends

Private School News // November 28, 2018

It’s a top priority for your school to maintain a healthy pipeline of mission-appropriate families so you will be able to serve students with excellence for years to come. To achieve this goal effectively, you must understand the landscape of private-independent school enrollment.

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Sharing Board Information With Constituents

Board of Trustees // November 27, 2018

Maintaining appropriate communication with parents, faculty, and the Management Team can help ease the pressure on Trustees to share what has occurred during a meeting. Board members are often bombarded in the school parking lot, grocery store, or even online to divulge information they may not be at liberty to discuss. When constituents know that they will be provided with reliable, relevant information on a consistent basis, they are less likely to probe the Board members one-to-one.

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Guidelines to Follow This Holiday Season

Private School News // November 27, 2018

The holiday season is here in full force. It’s a time for gratitude, merriment, and celebration. But there are guidelines to keep in mind so that everyone finds it enjoyable.

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The State of Civics Education in the U.S.

Private School News // November 26, 2018

Teaching civics is an important aspect of U.S. education. Many schools have a mission to develop their students into productive members of their communities and society. Civics education can support that mission and help children better understand the world around them.

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