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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Top Apps of 2018 That Support a Healthy Lifestyle

School Health and Wellness // November 1, 2018

Before the holidays derail our motivation to maintain healthy eating and lifestyle habits, now is a good time to review some apps to keep us on pace. The critics have had the better part of 2018 to collect feedback on available fitness apps and have released their favorites. Allow us to fine tune that selection.

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Student Use of Social Media: It’s Not All Bad

Board of Trustees // October 21, 2018

The rapidly rising use of social media, particularly among teenagers, is often met with consternation by educators. Some even try to curb its use. This may be—and likely is—the wrong tack to take.

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Where to Start to Help Reduce Student Stress

Academic Leadership // October 18, 2018

As an academic administrator, you can’t expect to eliminate all the stress in your school. However, you can certainly take steps to ensure that your school structure causes as little stress as possible, and is set up to best support faculty, staff, and students.

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Tips for Ensuring Your School's Marketing Is Student-Centered

Advancement // October 9, 2018

There are many audiences you want to reach when marketing your school. And while every audience has unique needs, a main component of your marketing messages must remain consistent—students are the heart of your mission and your school. Therefore, all marketing must be unequivocally student-centered.

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4 Things Every Prospective Parent Wants When Choosing a Private School

Advancement // October 9, 2018

When prospective families consider your school, they want to make sure the programs and services you offer meet their needs and standards. But they also want more. Parents want a sense of validation that your school’s mission meets their desires for their children, and will help mold them into capable citizens of the world. They want to feel confident in the quality, benefits, and value that your school offers.

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Four Tips for Successful Parent-Teacher Conferences

School Heads // October 2, 2018

Parent-teacher conferences occur a few times each year at your school. These meetings give parents and teachers an important opportunity to talk about each student’s progress, while discussing any issues and setting a course for future success. While these meetings fall into the purview of your faculty, division heads, and possibly department chairs, the School Head also has an important role to play during parent-teacher conferences. It’s vital that you express excitement for these critical, relationship-establishing encounters, and help facilitate them.

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Media Use Among Young Children Continues to Rise

School Heads // October 2, 2018

We’re no strangers to the fact that screen time use is on the rise among students. This increase in students’ media exposure can impact many areas of school operations, including policies surrounding student device use, how students complete homework and other tasks at home, and how faculty and staff can best relate to and support students.

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