Rick Ceresini ISM Scheduling Consultant | Bio
Rick Ceresini ISM Scheduling Consultant | Bio | Mobile

ISM Associate Scheduling Consultant

Rick joined ISM in the fall of 2007 after retiring from 30 years as a public school teacher, program facilitator, and scheduler. Having taught on an extended-period schedule for more than 12 years, he has a wealth of experience planning for extended periods and facilitating staff workshops on successful techniques and best practices.

During his career, Rick taught grades 2 though 8 and 10 through 12, with the majority of his experience in middle school. He has led school improvement initiatives, and presented at national conferences on creating and transitioning to innovative schedules.

Rick has worked with several schools across the U.S. and Canada in on-site consultations, schedule designs and workshops. In his role with ISM, Rick helps schools process their schedules, after analyzing and designing master schedules, and trains faculty and schedulers in our new Engaging Students in an Extended Period workshop.

Rick holds a master's degree in Gifted Education from Wilmington University (DE), and a B.S. from Shippensburg State College (PA).