Development Office Management: The ISM Stability Marker

Ideas & Perspectives
Ideas & Perspectives

Volume 32

No. 4//

March 29, 2007

Of the administrative offices at most private-independent day schools, the Development Office gets the most attention from your school’s Trustees. They tend to view this office as the (imagined or actual) source of all soft revenue—they know the dollar figure well and often (mistakenly) regard it as the most inviting source for alleviating tuition pressures on a parent body. As a result, Boards tend to scrutinize Development Office performance in ways that go well beyond the attention given comparable offices on your campus. The School Head may want, first, to consider the twin errors into which many Trustees fall when engaging in such scrutiny, and, second, to reorganize the Development Office functionally—not necessarily structurally – to conform more closely to the implications of the pertinent ISM Stability Marker™.1
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