Marketing Communications and the Student

Ideas & Perspectives
Ideas & Perspectives

Volume 40

No. 10//

August 10, 2015

We've identified two strategic objectives of marketing communications as being: to sustain and strengthen enrollment using your Strategic Marketing Communications Plan and its subset, the Parent Retention and Enrollment Plan; and to promote investment in the school by giving parents confidence that the school’s plans make sense—and may even be inspirational as the school constantly renews itself through quadrennial strategic planning/strategic financial planning. While your key constituent is the parent, the center and purpose of the school—as illustrated by the school’s mission—is the student. What does it mean, therefore, to have the parent as your key constituent while still being student-centered? This requires putting into practice the following three understandings.
A customized approach to advancing your unique mission.

Work with a trusted partner to create a mission-appropriate plan to help your school achieve its goals. Whether your school aims to increase cash reserves, boost enrollment levels, attain long-term stability, rely on experts to bring these goals and many others to life. Together we'll create and implement personalized, onsite recommendations for any area of your school's administration. Call us at 302-656-4944 or email us at

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