Mission-Centered Advisory Programs

Ideas & Perspectives
Ideas & Perspectives

Volume 28

No. 10//

August 11, 2003

As Head of School, you know that middle and upper school parents want—and students need—programs and services that extend beyond “pure” academics. Your school derives a competitive advantage from its ability to provide benefits such as caring teachers, safe environment, leadership and social opportunities, and character education.  
A customized approach to advancing your unique mission.

Work with a trusted partner to create a mission-appropriate plan to help your school achieve its goals. Whether your school aims to increase cash reserves, boost enrollment levels, attain long-term stability, rely on experts to bring these goals and many others to life. Together we'll create and implement personalized, onsite recommendations for any area of your school's administration. Call us at 302-656-4944 or email us at consulting@isminc.com.

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