The Comprehensive Advancement Model

Ideas & Perspectives
Ideas & Perspectives

Volume 30

No. 16//

December 22, 2005

Coordinating your school marketing messages—to assure that your various constituencies not only support your programs but invest through admission, re-enrollment, and philanthropic giving—is a difficult task. It is essential that those who know your school best (your Board, faculty and staff, alumni, and parents) are speaking with a unified voice about your institution and its values. The Comprehensive Advancement Model™ (CAdvM) is an overarching coordinating and analytical framework that will ensure investment in your school by new and current students and families with existing and new resources. Its two major components—the Comprehensive Development Model and the Comprehensive Admission Model—share five key elements (see the adjacent diagram): 1) strategic Board, 2) leadership, 3) case for support, 4) prospects, and 5) plan of action.
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