The Faculty Culture Profile II

Ideas & Perspectives
Ideas & Perspectives

Volume 37

No. 7//

June 1, 2012

In the 2010–11 school year, ISM conducted a one-year partial replication—using a stronger research design and a more exacting statistic—of its original six-year International Model Schools Project, a research project that focused on student performance, satisfaction, and enthusiasm. The results of the 2010–11 project, titled the ISM Student Experience Study (SES), have been published by ISM in its complete form as a white paper in January 2012, and summarized in Ideas & Perspectives in Vol. 37, No. 4. The following article, featuring one of the instruments derived from the SES findings, is designed to be read in the context of either of those two summary documents. Readers are asked to take note of the fact that the Faculty Culture Profile II, shown in this article, supersedes ISM’s original Faculty Culture Profile.
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