The ISM Student Experience Study and Its Impact on ISM X

Ideas & Perspectives
Ideas & Perspectives

Volume 37

No. 10//

August 10, 2012

In several recent articles, I&P published results from ISM’s year-long Student Experience Study (SES). A full description of the research methodology and data was published by ISM in January 2012, and summaries of various aspects of the results have appeared in earlier issues of Ideas & Perspectives. The centerpiece of the SES research findings is that teachers’ predictability and supportiveness as perceived by the students have a direct, positive effect on student performance, enthusiasm, and satisfaction. (The results parallel the findings from ISM’s RSM research conducted in the 1990s.) These SES results call for a re-examination of how we should now view the items at the top of ISM X—healthy school culture, internal marketing, and student demand exceeding available space. ISM X is the graphic representation of the Third Iteration of ISM's Stability Markers.
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