Developed by the U.S. Department of Education for postsecondary institutions, much of the information in these guidelines are applicable in private-independent schools and their campuses. You can tailor many of your policies and procedures based on the handbook's reporting recommendations on disciplinary actions, security measures, and safety issues.

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Hiring, Nurturing, and Evaluating the Private School Head: How to Solidify the Board-Head Partnership
Boards can—and should—have excellent relationships with their Heads, and this book can help you solidify those relationships.
$31.95 General Price

Better Boards, Better Schools
Serving as a Trustee is a privilege that carries a substantial responsibility. Learn how to lead your school with a mission-driven, student-centered approach based on 45 years of ISM research and experience working with private school Boards.
Better Boards, Better Schools is your guide to ensuring your actions as a Trustee help fulfill your school’s mission. Empower the strategic functions of your Board so your school thrives today and in the years to come.
$31.95 General Price