Five Online Management Tools

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Business and Operations//

September 26, 2011

There are so many apps now available for education purposes administrators may have started to feel left out of the technology craze. Business Managers shake off the shunned feelings—we’ve found some great online resources for you and your team of administrators.

Schoolbinder. Schoolbinder describes itself as a suite of learning management tools for K-12 classrooms. This is a free, online organizer for teachers and students to help them manage grades, assignments, and events. It allows for file sharing, class notes, and class discussions. Administrators and teachers can log into the application and download reports, review past and upcoming classroom activities, track performance metrics of students, and more.

LearnBoost. This is another online gradebook, designed for teachers, parents, and students. LearnBoost communicates with Google apps and can be added to your Google navigation bar. (If you rely on Google to help keep you organized, that is.)

SchoolNet. This is a site dedicated to school growth. From students to teachers to administrators, this site has something to offer. Educator development, gradebooks, formative assessment—these are just a few examples of what this site lists under their products. The negative is it’s geared toward public schools. This site is for those who are looking for a solution to tracking projects. Business Managers who are responsible for tracking progress on new incentives, this could be your answer to better organization. ZOHO offers task management, time tracking software, project calendars, online chat, and document management. Google docs is not just powerful; it’s supported by thousands, making it an awesome resource for sharing and creating documents, safely storing and organizing work, and controlling who can access your files with a familiar feel.

These are just five that we’ve taken the time to summarize. However, there are literally hundreds of online resources available, helping bring school administrators into the 21st century. For a more complete listing of online resources, check out 101 Web 2.0 Teaching Tools from OEDb (Online Education Database). Don’t let the title of the article fool you—there are resources for administrators too.


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