Green Corner: The Truth About LED Lights

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Business and Operations//

December 27, 2012

Light Emitting Diode (LED) light technology has been around since the 70s in most electronics such as alarm clocks, VCRs, and microwaves. Although it’s been known that LED lighting is more cost effective, low luminosity and high cost of manufacturing has kept it from becoming a main source for home lighting.

The price of semiconductor materials, which is what LED light technology is built around, has dropped over the past several years allowing these energy saving bulbs to make their way into more homes and offices. They are still pricey, and can be rather costly for those planning to replace all their household lights. However, they will save money in energy costs. LED lights use about 70-80% less energy than fluorescent or traditional incandescent bulbs. They also generate less heat, which can help save on cooling bills come the warmer season.

Another bonus to LED lighting are the benefits to the environment. They don’t contain mercury or toxic substances, and they last 60 times longer than incandescent bulbs and 10 times longer than CFLs, (typically lasting 50,000 hours).

The down side of LED lighting? Online reviewers claim that LED lights are not as bright as other options, and some give off a blue-white light, which can be hard on the eyes. Look for LED lights that give off a soft white light. And, again, these bulbs are still on the pricey end of the spectrum.

Article Resources:
HubPages, The Truth About LED Lights and CFLs, Green Light: Are LED Light Bulbs Better Than CFLs for Eco-Friendly Lighting?
The World’s Smartest LED Bulb, Making A New Era in Home Lilghting


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