Health Care Reform Is Uncertain—But the Value of Annual Benefits Statements Is Well-Known

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Business and Operations//

March 18, 2010

What it is—these statements can vary widely in their complexity and sophistication. In their essence, though, they are intended to give employees a "snapshot" view of the range of benefits that the school provides (and pays for) on their behalf. Often, when provided for the first time, a clear snapshot draws a very positive reaction from employees, along the lines of, "Wow—I didn't realize how much the school is really providing (or how much they are paying for this)."

How to create it—depending on the system that the school uses to record employee benefits data, this can be generated by running a mail merge—i.e, putting the data into an Excel spreadsheet, which is then merged with a Word document to create a customized letter for each employee. (Don't worry if you don't know how to do that—your school's administrative support team almost certainly will have this skill.)

An example—depending on the range of benefits offered by the school, a typical benefits statement might look something like the following chart:

Healthcare Reform Is Uncertain—But the Value of Annual Benefits


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