Look to Nonprofits for New Board Members: The Benefits

Source Newsletter for Trustees Header Image
Source Newsletter for Trustees Header Image

Board of Trustees//

September 13, 2013

When you update your Board profile, consider the benefits of bringing representatives from the nonprofit world on your Board. The benefits will usually outweigh the risks by a wide margin. (In next month's e-letter, we'll discuss the risks and strategies for reducing them.)

The nonprofit world is wide, ranging from small-town library groups to international organizations. As you explore the options in your area, you may find an experienced powerhouse volunteering with a small group. On the other hand, aperson at a major charity may not necessarily prove to be an asset for your school. Keep in mind the "work, wisdom, willingness, and wealth" potential Trustees have to contribute to your school's Board.

Also recognize the potential for conflict and competition. Your school may target the same pool of major donors and funding organizations as other nonprofit groups in the community. Ensure than an individual who serves both your school's Board and another group can remain objective and serve the best interests of each one.

The most desirable candidates are those who have served or are serving successful nonprofit organizations, and assume they can have great value for your school's Board.

  • They understand that mission is central in decision-making—and understand the implications in veering from mission.
  • They are comfortable with strategic planning processes, and with the idea of aligning Board operations with the resulting planning documents.
  • They are comfortable with the idea of accountability and of demonstrating results. They know how to report success and understand the increased demands for nonprofits to be business-savvy.
  • They value the goodwill and support of stakeholders—those who contribute to, benefit from, or purchase the services of a nonprofit—and maintain close contact with them.
  • They understand that uncultivated constituents are likely to go elsewhere to contribute and to experience benefits.
  • They have developed an appreciation of the need to diversify the types of stakeholders, broadening their institution’s market niche.
  • They are future-oriented, knowing the institution will succeed when it justifies its place in the future with its strategic planning processes.

These leaders are:

  • allies in focusing your school outward and forward;
  • internal change agents active in the strategic planning processes; and
  • impatient stakeholders who want involvement, meaning, and excellence.

An excellent way to acclimate a new Trustee who has experience in the nonprofit world-and little or none in the private education world-is with ISM's The Trustee Handbook. Each Trustee who uses this handbook in a proactive, thoughtful way will be an effective Board member, enabling the Board to dynamically support, strategically lead, and wisely steward the school in its care.


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