Teens Need More Sleep

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Private School News//

February 7, 2011


  • Do you have trouble getting up in the morning?
  • Do you find yourself struggling to stay focused?
  • Do you sometimes nod off during class or fight to keep your eyes open?
  • Are you consuming caffeine—soda, tea, coffee, energy drinks— in an attempt to make it through the day?
  • Are you easily angered, or quick to become emotional when small issues present themselves?
  • Do you forget things often?
  • Do you get sick often?
  • Have you gained weight recently, seemingly without cause?

If teens answer yes to any of these, they might be feeling the physical and psychological effects of not getting as much sleep as their bodies need. If they have answered yes to one or more of these questions, then the next step is to ask what interferences are contributing to their deprivation. Parents and counselors should make themselves available to help young adults re-evaluate their busy, activity-filled schedules to make time for more rest. And, if it’s stimuli such as texting, Internet surfing, or videogaming that are stealing minutes away from their sleep, then parents need to set rules that will limit such activities.

Here are a few tips worth sharing with students and parents on how to get a better night’s rest.

  • Exercise regularly and early enough in the evening so that your body has five to six hours afterwards to release the energy.
  • Avoid caffeine drinks such as energy drinks, coffee, tea, and soda late in the day and evening. Also, avoid eating or drinking items with lots of sugar late in the day and at night.
  • Try not to eat past 8 p.m. Food can give your body a burst of energy, and you want to be as relaxed as possible before turning in.
  • Make your sleeping area as serene as possible. If loud colors and bright lights soothe you, they are fine to surround yourself with; most people need calming visuals and sounds.

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