Three Podcasts for Business Officers

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Business and Operations//

July 17, 2015

What’s playing over your headphones lately? Music, or a favorite morning talk show? You could use your spare time as a way to find out what’s going on with your peers and learn new techniques through podcasts! Podcasts are like pre-recorded radio shows you can download to your phone, music player, or computer. This month, we’ve found three we think Business Officers will appreciate.


Release Schedule: Sporadic

Description: “This is an education podcast featuring some of the smartest and funniest people in education. We are going to talk education, technology and pop culture.”

Why We Chose This: Nicholas Provenzano is an award-winning teacher and school leader. His Twitter account (@thenerdyteacher) and blog ( are widely known throughout education circles. While his podcast is more oriented toward teacher-leaders as opposed to administration specifically, many episodes discuss the impact of technology in the classroom and how administrative decisions affect a school’s learning environment.

Previous Episodes Include:

  • Season 3 Episode 3 Amber Teamann
  • Season 3 Episode 1: John T Spencer
  • #NerdyCast Season 2 Episode 3

Get-It-Done Guy's Quick and Dirty Tips to Work Less and Do More

Release Schedule: Weekly

Description: “Want to work smarter, not harder? Here's how to do it. Join Stever Robbins, author of Get-It-Done Guy's 9 Steps to Work Less and Do More, each week as he provides inventive productivity and organization tips to transform even the most overwhelmed person into an overachiever. Are you buried in email? Stever will tell you how to dig your way out. Is technology holding you captive? Stever will help you evaluate your devices and only use the ones that actually help you get stuff done. Got six minutes? The self-proclaimed Get-It-Done Guy will show you how to deal with HR, set boundaries with your boss, beat procrastination, and more.”

Why We Chose This: Robbins’s podcast is perfect for those Business Managers without time to spare, but who want to learn little tips and tricks that add up to big time and money savers. From interpersonal relationships to specific product recommendations, this podcast doesn’t beat around the bush as it helps you do your job more effectively.

Previous Episodes Include:

  • 362 GID Asking Several People at Once, Nicely
  • 358 GID How Todoist Can Help Manage Your Meeting Agenda
  • 353 GID What Is Risk Assessment?

The CYA Report

Release Schedule: Biweekly

Description: The CYA Report is a free flowing, sometimes mature discussion of HR and talent issues. Here’s what you can expect: All the HR and recruiting news we can pack into a 28 min show. Straight to the point interviews, with HR personalities, practitioners and authors about what’s going on the field. Killer bumper music. Shot of snark.”

Why We Chose This: Business Officers often find themselves de facto HR Managers, dealing with unanticipated and sensitive personnel problems. If you’re struggling to wear this particular hat, The CYA Report can help steer you in the right direction. Note, though, that this podcast is definitely not specific for HR issues in private-independent schools. That said, we think there’s enough material here to make this podcast worth your while.

Previous Episodes Include:

  • The CYA Report E52: Keeping Employees Happy and Productive At Work
  • The CYA Report E39: Deflecting Performance Excuses
  • The CYA Report E47: Symbols, Symboli & Employee Engagement

A quick note: ISM is not affiliated with any of these podcasts directly, and so advice at times may conflict with ISM theory or guidance. We're offering you these resources as a chance to take from them what works for your school and to be re-inspired for fall!

Additional ISM resources:
ISM Monthly Update for Division Heads Vol. 12 No. 9 Three Podcasts for Division Heads
ISM Monthly Update for School Heads Vol. 13 No. 10 Three Podcasts for School Heads
Private School News Vol. 14 No. 4 Three Podcasts for Private-Independent School Administrators

Additional ISM resources for Gold Consortium members:
I&P Vol. 38 No. 1 21st Century Education and Your School's Parents


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