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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Summer Reading for Faculty

Academic Leadership // May 29, 2013

When a Division Head asked for summer reading suggestions, ISM’s Lower School Heads/Division Heads e-list lit up with offerings for Division Heads and faculty members. Consider some of these books for your summer reading.

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Police Officers on Campus

Private School News // May 22, 2013

With bullying concerns rising and school violence becoming more prominent, public and private schools alike are looking at hiring full-time police officers and security personnel to patrol campuses. This increase in school security has the legal system alarmed.

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De-stressing in the Office

Private School News // May 22, 2013

Summer is quickly approaching and although for many the additional sunshine and outdoor lunches are relaxing enough, for the typical school administrator, these seasonal luxuries bring very little comfort. It’s the end of the school year.

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Top Eight Employee Handbook Mistakes

Business and Operations // May 21, 2013

As you may know, a poorly written, outdated, or inconsistent handbook can hurt your school. In fact, omitting certain language can actually increase your risk of lawsuits or decrease your flexibility to act in the best interests of the school! Knowing that the stakes are high, updating your employee handbook can be a daunting project, especially if you’ve never done it before or if you don’t have any support or guidance to help you along the way. Don’t lose heart—it is an important task! Here are a few common mistakes to avoid as you dive in.

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Just a Few More Wellness Program Ideas

Business and Operations // May 21, 2013

A recent ISM study revealed that most schools don’t offer wellness plans. We found this interesting because wellness plans help control health insurance costs—they save organizations money! The healthier your employees, the fewer health claims. It’s that simple. And, wellness programs in themselves cost very little. Here are a few ideas to consider.

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Add Bling

Advancement // May 21, 2013

In a Webinar delivered to the team at Network for Good, technology guru Guy Kawasaki outlined his top ten social media tips for nonprofits. One of them is “add bling.” Huh? No, we are not talking about diamond-studded accessories here. We are talking visuals. Guy says add them—or a video—to every post.

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Green Corner: Holistic Allergy Treatments

Business and Operations // May 21, 2013

Allergy season is well underway. As trees and flowers wake up to greet longer days, so are allergy symptoms for nearly 35 millions Americans. It’s a beautiful time of year—but for sufferers, it’s misery. Sniffles, sneezes, watery eyes, itchy throat, constant drowsiness, headaches, and sinus pressure are just some of the reasons for long lines at the pharmacy counter. Here are some natural remedies to help ease seasonal symptoms—and hopefully reduce your wait at the pharmacy and strain on your wallet.

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Facebook: Likes vs. Shares

Advancement // May 21, 2013

Facebook has created a whole new lingo (and has turned nouns into verbs). You can “friend” and “unfriend” someone or, in a less drastic move, simply “hide” their posts from your wall. You are constantly asked to “like” or “share” posts. If you are using social media as part of your school’s development efforts, you are likely to ask your Facebook “fans” to do one of those things too. It’s a call to action, an engagement tactic.

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Indicators of School Crime and Safety

Board of Trustees // May 13, 2013

Creating a “safe haven” for the students at your school is a major Board concern, and making sure all the protocols and policies for school safety are in place is a must.

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