Community Corner

Community Corner
Community Corner

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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Ask Michael

Business and Operations // December 22, 2011

Q: We’ve contracted with a vendor to provide our criminal background screening reports during this year’s faculty hiring season. Our question now, is who should view the results—and how do we decide who “passes” or “fails”?

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From the HR Blogosphere

Business and Operations // December 22, 2011

Blogs, forums, chat rooms, listservs—the list goes on and on. These are valuable resources to find alternative opinions and information about almost anything. From HR concerns to just needing a quick laugh to fuel the rest of your day, blogs can help remind you that you're not alone in the all-too often chaotic world of private-independent education.

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Division Heads: Am I In the Right Job?

Business and Operations // December 22, 2011

During the past few months, we’ve been examining different aspects of performance evaluation and growth programs, in advance of the release of a new performance and evaluation model from ISM early in 2012. To continue that theme, this month we would like to consider the impact of this model on Division Directors (also known as Division Heads, Principals, and the like).

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Holiday Gifts: A Policy Question?

Business and Operations // December 22, 2011

It’s an age-old tradition for students and families to offer gifts to their teachers, particularly at the holidays. Many a teacher has a heart-warming story about kindnesses received at the holidays. (One of our colleagues, a former school administrator, recounts the tale of a bright red scarf he received from his students on Christmas, which we wore with pride while directing carpool traffic for many cold winters thereafter). When does a gift become more than a token of appreciation?

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Finding Savings in Your Health Insurance Plans

Board of Trustees // December 20, 2011

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the management of a school’s financial resources. As schools continue to work though these difficult economic times, many are deciding that cutting costs is necessary.

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ISM e-letter Readers Survey Concerns 2011

Board of Trustees // December 19, 2011

In July 2011, we sent our e-Letter subscribers a short survey asking about their concerns regarding their position and what obstacles they felt their school faced. This was the third consecutive year ISM asked its e-Letter subscribers to participate, and we were impressed with the response.

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Big Tickets for Your Annual Auction

Advancement // December 15, 2011

The annual school auction—silent, live, or both—is de rigueur for private-independent schools. And every school wants to offer those very special items that generate excitement and bring in the big bucks!

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Toy Safety

Business and Operations // December 15, 2011

It’s that time of year again. You know what we’re about to say—the holiday gifting season. For millions of children that means only one thing—new toys! And perhaps it even means a few new gizmos for your classrooms.

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