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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Just a Cool New Gadget? Some Thoughts on the iPad

Academic Leadership // May 25, 2010

Just a big iPod Touch. Just a big iPhone. Just a big gaming device. And that name. You are probably hearing all these things about the latest release from Apple, the iPad—the company's new e-tablet. But just walk into an Apple retail store (if you can manage to get in—even at the height of the recession, the place was always mobbed), wait your turn, and then belly up to one of the dozen or more iPads on display.

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Ask Michael

Business and Operations // May 21, 2010

Q: We issue contracts to all faculty members and some (but not all) administrators and staff. We're thinking of eliminating contracts for administrators. What issues does this raise?

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Teen Texting Addictions Can Inhibit Their Sleep

Advancement // May 21, 2010

Let's come out and say this first—text messaging is NOT the root of all evil. And, it's certainly not the only reason why teens are sleep deprived. It is, however, a major contributor to the issue. Teens need an average of nine hours of sleep each night. However, if you take into consideration all the activities, homework, chores, and social networking "required" of the average teenager, that hardly leaves six hours dedicated to sleep, let alone the recommended nine hours.

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Part One: Top 12 HR Tips and Action Items for Summer 2010

Business and Operations // May 21, 2010

As school is already out for the summer in some parts of the country (and rapidly wrapping up in most other regions), we wanted to offer a "Top 12" list of tips and "action items" to help you enhance your HR practices this summer. We'll present the first six in this edition and the final six in next month's e-Letter before taking a break for the summer.

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Admitting Children With Same Sex Parents

Advancement // May 21, 2010

If an application for a new student with same-sex parents came across your desk, would it affect your decision on whether or not to admit the child? A private Catholic school in Hingham, MA, is currently dealing with this sensitive issue—and the school administrators are finding themselves at the center of a heated local debate.

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Full Steam Ahead! The Game Changer for 21st Century Schools

School Heads // May 14, 2010

In the Spring 2010 edition of Independent School, NAIS writes persuasively and interestingly in the article, "A Game-Changing Model for Financially Sustainable Schools." ISM has written a commentary that agrees that the "game changer" will be seen within the finances of schools; however, ISM argues that finances are the wrong focus for understanding what the change is.

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Just a Cool New Gadget? Some Thoughts on the iPad

School Heads // May 14, 2010

Just a big iPod Touch. Just a big iPhone. Just a big gaming device. And that name. You are probably hearing all these things about the latest release from Apple, the iPad—the company's new e-tablet. But just walk into an Apple retail store (if you can manage to get in—even at the height of the recession, the place was always mobbed), wait your turn, and then belly up to one of the dozen or more iPads on display.

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Ask the Expert

School Heads // May 14, 2010

Q:: Why is it so hard for my faculty to get on board with 21st Century technology?

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Resources for Development Directors

Advancement // May 11, 2010

Whether you are a new or seasoned Development Director, professional training and growth is an important facet of your career. Here are a few resources you can rely on.

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Green Corner

Business and Operations // May 11, 2010

For public schools, the incentive for installing solar-power systems has gotten a little more appetizing. Federal, state, and local government funding and private assistance are making it easier than ever for public schools to go green. But, what about the incentive for private-independent schools?

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