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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Green Corner—Discover Plastiki

Business and Operations // April 6, 2010

When we set out to find monthly green tips that can impact schools, sometimes we come across the most interesting stories. This month, instead of bringing you a bulleted list of green facility ideas, we're bringing you a whole site full of green educational opportunities and inspiration for your campus. Discover Plastiki. A crew of six people aboard a sailboat made from 12,000 plastic bottles are tweeting, blogging, and filming their journey from California to Australia. It's a 100-day, 10,000-mile science project—and its mission is to spread knowledge about pollution and the power in recycling.

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A Southern California School District Is Among the First to Get a New Hybrid Bus

Business and Operations // April 6, 2010

In January, as we were welcoming in a new year, the Ventura school district of southern California was also welcoming a new milestone along their path to being a green school district. Replacing one of their 1977 bus models, they introduced a new state-of-the-art, plug-in hybrid electric school bus to their fleet. Green buses are currently only being produced by one manufacturer in the U.S.—IC Bus Subsidiary of Navistar Inc., based in Raleigh, NC.

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Are Administrators Guilty When Bullying Leads to Suicide?

Business and Operations // April 6, 2010

Bullying cases are back in the news—and they're more intense than ever. Texting and social media have opened new doors to bullies. Recently, published an article in the wake of a Massachusetts teenager's suicide that shared bullying stories from readers. Some were parents reflecting on their own experiences, and some were parents sharing their challenges concerning their children. One message was consistent—all authors wondered why the school's administration wasn't more involved in protecting the victims.

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A New Publication About Greening Your Curriculum

Private School News // March 31, 2010

School gardens are popping up all over the country. It's one of the ways educators are reaching kids about greening efforts, lowering emissions, basic horticulture, biology, and social skills without lecturing. School gardens allow students, teachers, faculty, and even community members to get involved from the ground up, and then later benefit from the garden's fresh produce and florals. Green schools, rather they be "green" by their lunches, their community gardens, or their curriculum, are becoming a national movement.

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How to Know Which Social Networking Tool Fits You

Private School News // March 31, 2010

Social media, social networking, and all the tools available for managing social sites progress at what seems like hyperspeed. New ones are born, old ones fade away, and some bloom into powerhouses that scream, "Why are you not using this yet? Everyone else is on here but YOU!" Whether you're using one site, or have pages on several social sites, you know that they take time, patience, and thought. You also know that some simply fit your personality and lifestyle better than others. We all have our favorites.

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Spring Is Here … and So Is Hay Fever

Private School News // March 31, 2010

Finally, spring has arrived on the East coast! The first flowers have begun to pop their heads above soil, and trees are beginning to bud. Here at ISM, we've even begun working on our company garden. Most of us are glad to wave farewell to the cold, snowy weather. However, some of us are already struggling to get through the first few weeks of spring. It's allergy season! And, although the early spring flowers and trees are mesmeric to most, to a good portion of your students, staff, and faculty, they're a harsh reminder that their sniffles, swollen eyes, and itchy throats are going to plague them for the next eight weeks.

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What You Need to Do to Comply With the New Health Care Reform Bill Right Now

Private School News // March 31, 2010

This is a copy of a letter sent to all of ISM's Insurance clients on March 23, 2010. You can read the full letter online by clicking here. As we're all aware, Congress passed historic healthcare reform legislation Sunday night when the US House voted for the Senate Bill that had been passed by the Senate last December. The President signed the bill into law on Tuesday morning. Now that the key elements of the bill are firmly in place (subject to a package of modifiers that the House also passed the "Reconciliation Bill" or "sidecar bill"), we want to offer a few quick thoughts and recommendations to our valued health clients.

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5 Reasons Why Processed Foods Make Us Sick

Private School News // March 31, 2010

Nowadays we demand convenience. As most households have two adults working full-time, and our children are busier than ever, we crave convenience wherever we can find it. Whether that be picking up our medications at the drive-thru, or depending on our microwaves to make dinner, we look for all the shortcuts we can to buy us at least a few minutes of peace—or even a few seconds.

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Students Get Math-smart … Using Smartphones

Academic Leadership // March 25, 2010

A new research project that gives students smartphones to tackle algebra, geometry, and other math courses is showing measurable results. Students in a handful of North Carolina school districts are participating in Project K-Nect, which is grant-funded and was launched in 2007. Results from that first Algebra I group showed that the Project K-Nect students outperformed other Algebra I students at the school taught by the same teacher on the state end-of-year exam and on final grades. The 2008-09 survey showed similar results.

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Your Monthly All-Faculty Meetings: Go From Snores to Roars!

Academic Leadership // March 25, 2010

Do you—and everyone else—dread the all-faculty meeting? Are they seen as a waste of time, a necessary evil? It's time to refocus your meeting goals from strictly administrivia to professional development, esprit de corps and sense of purpose, mission, and strategic direction. Your meetings will become vibrant and valued elements of the faculty culture.

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