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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Five Guidelines to Follow for Safer Field Trips

Business and Operations // November 6, 2018

Field trips can open your students up to new experiences, and give them the chance to see fresh perspectives and explore how other people live their lives. But if your school is planning a field trip, it’s the job of the Business Office to create and implement safety guidelines.

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Considerations for Faculty and Staff Body Art Guidelines

Business and Operations // November 6, 2018

Many school leaders have questions about their school’s guidelines for faculty and staffs’ visible body art. On one hand, dress codes exist for a reason, and can add a sense of decorum that provides support for employees and students. On the other hand, strict dress codes can deter otherwise promising employees who could be great assets to your school.

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The Role of the Business Office in Employee Evaluations

Business and Operations // November 2, 2018

It may seem counterintuitive that the Business Office would have any place in employee evaluations—a process that should be the responsibility of the School Head and academic leadership. And while the Business Office shouldn’t be involved in individual evaluations, there are a number of reasons why the Business Manager needs to be aware of the evaluation process and how it’s conducted each year.

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Your Faculty Holds the Key to an Effective Re-Recruitment Strategy

School Heads // November 2, 2018

Your school probably focuses significant time and attention on the recruitment of new families. However, there should be an equal amount of effort placed on re-recruitment—that is, the processes and strategies you implement to keep current families engaged, active, and happy in your school.

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The Impact of Social Media on Teens Today

School Heads // November 2, 2018

Last month, we shared recent research findings that young children spend more time with internet devices than ever before. The same nonprofit research organization, Common Sense, also examined teen media use in 2018. They wanted to better understand social media use and the role it plays in the social and educational aspects of teens’ lives.

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The Long-Lasting Impact That Field Trips Can Have on Students

Private School News // November 1, 2018

Field trips can be seen in various ways in your school. Some see them as culturally enriching, giving students the opportunity to experience learning in a different context. Others see them as a distraction from lessons in the classroom, ineffective at imparting knowledge and an excuse to goof around.

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