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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Stress Is Contagious: Don’t Let It Spread in Your School

Private School News // October 26, 2017

Recent research shows that stress can indeed be contagious within your school. Researchers from the University of British Columbia conducted a study of more than 400 elementary school students from different grade levels. They examined students’ cortisol levels, finding that students who tested higher for the stress hormone also had teachers who reported higher levels of burnout.

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3 Tips for Giving Productive Feedback as a Mentor

Private School News // October 26, 2017

Most administrators at a private-independent school take on the roles of mentors at one point or another. Whether that’s working with members of the faculty or staff, helping a new hire come up to speed, or managing a department, giving effective and useful feedback can greatly impact your school culture.

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How Are Your International Students Adjusting?

Private School News // October 26, 2017

As November quickly approaches, it is a good time to start evaluating how your international students are acclimating to their new experiences. Students should be settled into their routine and aware of elements that are uncomfortable or hindering to their progress.

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Online Courses: How Do You Compete?

Board of Trustees // October 24, 2017

Keeping up with technology has become a chief concern for many schools, often representing a major portion of their budgets each year. Private-independent schools, competing with public and charter schools that typically have greater available funding, find this particularly troublesome.

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5 Strategies for Your Professional Development Initiatives

Academic Leadership // October 18, 2017

It’s critical for Division Heads to help faculty members increase their knowledge and sharpen their approaches through professional development. Your school’s professional initiatives must be designed to help teachers navigate the rapidly evolving world of education to meet the needs of today’s students.

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Recommended Resources for Academic Leaders

Academic Leadership // October 18, 2017

It’s always important to continue pursuing your professional development initiatives. That could mean diving into a good book, listening to a podcast on your way to school, or watching a video between meetings or other tasks.

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What to Know About Sharing Salary Information

School Heads // October 11, 2017

The School Head is privy to a great deal of private information, including salaries for the entire administration, faculty, and staff. From time to time, you may find that various Board Members inquire about salaries of certain individuals.

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The 30-Day Rule Impacting Your International Student Program

Business and Operations // October 9, 2017

Once you’ve made the decision to enroll international students and have gone through the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) certification process, you must become knowledgeable about and adhere to SEVP’s rules and regulations.

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