Community Corner

Community Corner
Community Corner

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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

What You Need to Know About Medicare and 1095/1094 Reporting in October 2017

Business and Operations // October 9, 2017

Many of the schools we work with have questions about employee benefits and how to ensure the long-term well-being of their school’s administrators, faculty, and staff. Lucky for us, ISM’s Affordable Care Act Specialist and Flexible Benefits Manager provides a wealth of knowledge in these areas. Today, we’re sharing some recent information regarding Medicare Part D Notices and 1095/1094 Reporting. Read on for the latest updates.

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More Recommended Reading for Admission and Development Directors

Advancement // October 3, 2017

To help fuel your ongoing professional development, we want to share a few resources you can pick up during the fall season. Whether you’re looking to rethink your fundraising strategy, bolster your leadership skills, or improve how you communicate with constituents, these books are perfect for admission, development, and marketing/communications administrators.

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How to Create an Effective Enrollment Management Team

Advancement // October 3, 2017

Recruiting and retaining mission-appropriate students is critical to your school’s success. Therefore, an effective enrollment management program that attracts prospective families, encourages enrollment, and continues to educate about the school’s value to promote re-recruitment is a necessity.

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What to Know About Google for Education

Academic Leadership // September 27, 2017

Many private-independent schools continue to increase the use of technology in their programs. We’ve heard a few questions about the Google for Education program lately. Google for Education helps educators understand how to use Google’s online tools—such as Docs, Calendars, and Hangouts—to collaborate online inside and outside of the classroom.

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Recognize the Power Bases at Your School

Board of Trustees // September 27, 2017

The people who contribute the most to the smoothness with which any organization functions are those to whom others turn for leadership and advice. By dint of their experience, talent, support, aggressiveness, or thoughtfulness, they inevitably develop a power base that impacts the school’s operation.

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Use Meeting Summaries to ‘Market’ Your Board

Board of Trustees // September 27, 2017

Your Board must “market” itself to your school’s constituents. One way to do this is to develop a system of reporting to parents and to the faculty and staff after each Board meeting.

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Start Planning Next Year’s Summer Program Now

Private School News // September 21, 2017

Once you’ve successfully kicked off the school year, it’s time to turn your attention to the next big task. Believe it or not, that should be preparing for the following year’s summer program. The fall season is the perfect time to review your past year’s summer program, assess what’s working, and determine where you need to improve your offerings for next year. Prepare now for next summer’s program, even though it seems far off.

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5 Ways to Spice Up Your School Newsletter

Advancement // September 12, 2017

Your school newsletter, whether electronic or print, is more than a series of reminders and notices. When crafted strategically, it is a shining example of your school’s mission at work. Your school newsletter should illustrate the exemplary quality of the school’s education, the student body, and the people who deliver the program. It’s one of your strongest tools to influence recruitment and re-recruitment by showing the strength of your community, the value of programs offered, and the caliber of students and graduates produced.

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