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Community Corner

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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

A Primer on Data Privacy for Your School

Private School News // July 27, 2017

In a recent survey of more than 1,000 education technology vendors, only 56% encrypt login and personal information—such as usernames, passwords, and other personally identifiable information—on their websites. This is a stunning statistic. As schools embrace new technology, it’s clear that the burden to ensure data privacy and mitigate risk falls at the school level.

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4 Qualities of Highly Successful Leaders

Private School News // June 29, 2017

ISM believes that private-independent schools must practice distributed leadership. By this we mean all professionals in your school—school administrators, faculty, and staff—are leaders in their own right. Every individual in your school is responsible for strategic leadership in his or her respective role, contributing to the overall well-being of your school’s direction.

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Education Conversations to Follow Online

Private School News // June 29, 2017

The Internet has democratized how we share information unlike anything before it. Educators and administrators can share ideas, best practices, and advice with their global peers from the comfort of their school, leaning on each other to refine their strategies and techniques.

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Will Raising Tuition Scare Families Away?

Private School News // June 29, 2017

When asked if increasing tuition would scare away current and prospective families, many school administrators might be tempted to respond with a resounding “Yes!” But our latest findings show that’s not necessarily the case. ISM, Measuring Success, and the National Business Officers Association (NBOA) recently collaborated on the third iteration of a study originally deployed in 2006 to study the impact of tuition increases on private-independent school enrollment.

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Board Policy on Financial Aid

Board of Trustees // June 28, 2017

Your Board holds the responsibility for developing your school’s financial aid policy. The Board should write a strong statement that sets fundamental policy, based on your school’s particular mission and budget guidelines, as well as careful calculations of per-pupil cost, retained earnings, and incremental costs.

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Five Steps to Creating Your Board’s Strategic History

Board of Trustees // June 28, 2017

Over the years, ISM’s Institutional Assessment visits (now called Strategic Performance Analyses) have uncovered a disconcertingly broad range in the completeness of the organizational history provided by school documents and individuals’ memories. Your school’s “strategic history” provides both constraints and opportunities for its strategic future.

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What Role Do Fidget Spinners Play in the Classroom?

Academic Leadership // June 21, 2017

“Fidget spinners have descended on my classroom. Last week, two students had them. This week, everyone had one!” Sound familiar? One of the hot toys this spring was the fidget spinner, a circular device with a bearing in the middle that allows users to spin it around their fingers. But what role does it play in the classroom?

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3 Ways to Use Tech to Empower Gen Z for Success

Academic Leadership // June 21, 2017

The World Economic Forum estimates that 65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that don’t yet exist. There’s no doubt that technology is driving this staggering evolution and it will continue to play an integral role in the lives of future generations. It’s our job as educators and administrators to best prepare students for a quickly changing job market, starting with the intersection of technology and education.

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