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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Greening Your Space Has Benefits

Private School News // March 27, 2017

Long winters can impact our physical and mental health in numerous ways. Colder weather keeps most of us indoors more often, limiting our exercise and activity. Less sunlight affects our Vitamin D and mood stability. Seasonal affective disorder impacts an estimated 10%–20% of the population each year to varying degrees. Six percent of the population is in fact hospitalized each year with severe symptoms. However, there are ways to combat the season’s disruptions, with one of the simplest solutions being greening your workspace.

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What Your Policy Says About “Ubering” to School

Business and Operations // March 7, 2017

When it comes to managing school risk, there is never a dull moment. Your policy handbook is in constant flux and often needs updating because of today’s rapid changes in lifestyle trends, technology, and compliance standards. Adding to the mix is the transportation trend of Uber, Lyft, and other ride shares.

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New Year, New You

Private School News // January 24, 2017

A new year is upon us, and with it comes the promise of fresh starts and pattern adjustments. Whether you’re focusing on making improvements in your personal life, your career, or both, the following tips will help you stay on pace for your best version of you.

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How Biased Are Your Interviews?

Private School News // January 24, 2017

Choosing mission-appropriate candidates for your school today is much different than it was even a decade ago. From where you post the job listing to how you review resumes and check references, it’s a whole new process. Hiring managers know discrimination is illegal. Really, everyone knows discrimination is illegal. However, knowing the federal and state laws defining discrimination are not something all managers understand. Those tasked with hiring (or firing) should take a crash course in compliance—and best practices—before starting on a search. Knowledge is the first step in protecting your school. However, there is another element to consider when making final hiring decisions—your subconscious.

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Technology and Teen Sleep Deprivation

Private School News // January 24, 2017

For the past few years, there has been notable research on how technology (e.g., digital devices, laptops, television) disrupts student sleep patterns—and student success (or not) in school. A recent meta-analysis of 20 studies, Association Between Portable Screen-Based Media Device Access or Use and Sleep Outcomes, published by JAMA Pediatrics, sheds more light on this “major public-health concern” for students. Attention-stealing devices like televisions, computers, MP3 players, and cell phones are largely to blame.

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Preserve Your Board’s Strategic ‘Memory’

Board of Trustees // January 12, 2017

One way to ensure strategic continuity at your school is to preserve Board memory—to learn and grow from your history. Your school’s strategic “history” provides both constraints and opportunities for its strategic future. As Board President, you should consider a formal review of the quality of your existing historical portrait, take steps to reorganize that portrait if needed, and elevate the quality of your school’s organizational “Board memory.” Consider the following four key steps.

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The Influx of New Teachers

Board of Trustees // January 12, 2017

Public schools around the nation are experiencing a higher percentage of new teachers. According to data from the Department of Education, 12% of all public school teachers are in their first or second year of teaching—in some states, more than 15%. This “greening trend” in teaching has been noticeable and well-researched over the past two decades.

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Strategies for Strengthening Ties With Feeder Schools

Advancement // January 4, 2017

As the Admission Director, you know that your faculty members have experience teaching feeder school graduates who now attend your school. So they know what types of background knowledge, skills, and experiences these newcomers bring. It’s likely that these students are a good “match” for your program and will have positive experiences on your campus. Also, when several students come from the same feeder school, they already have friends in their class at your school. Each of these factors eases the transition from the former school to the new, and reduces the adjustment time for students, teachers, and parents as they acclimate to your school’s culture.

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Strengthen Your Outdoor Education Program

Academic Leadership // December 30, 2016

Outdoor education has a long and distinguished history in private-independent schools. Whether it involves an annual trip or is a yearlong component of the curriculum, administrators cite various benefits to these programs: personal growth, development of social skills and self-confidence, health and fitness, teamwork, whole student education, fun and recreation, and enhancement of a positive school culture. As you develop, expand, or assess your school’s own outdoor education program, determine how effectively you address these fundamental areas.

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