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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Loose Lips Sink Ships

Board of Trustees // March 24, 2015

During World War II, there was a poster depicting an enemy agent eavesdropping on a restaurant conversation about U.S. war vessels. The caption? Loose Lips Sink Ships. This phrase can apply to your Board as well.

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20 Free Online Resources for School Administrators

Academic Leadership // March 18, 2015

News aggregate reddit bills itself as the “front page of the Internet,” collecting information and stories for its users to read and respond to. Recently, a member asked the community at large what free services everyone on the Internet should use—and the response was overwhelming. From the original conversation, we’ve gleaned what we think are the top 20 free resources for private-independent school administrators and educators. From full-length college courses to file converters, our list runs the gamut. Take a look and see what can help you better serve your school community.

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Constructive Criticism 101

Academic Leadership // March 18, 2015

In Comprehensive Faculty Development—both our book and our workshop—we talk a lot about approaching professional development from a coaching perspective. It's your role as Division Head to keep the ongoing conversations you conduct with faculty focused, honest, and reaffirming of goals and strategies. These conversations require delivering constructive criticism in a way that brings problems to light while maintaining a positive, productive relationship. It's a tricky balance, but it can be accomplished.

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Cleaning up Your Donor Database

Advancement // March 12, 2015

To cultivate prospective donors, you, as the Development Director, can’t afford to work on instinct and hear-say. You need cold, hard facts, and a donor database gives you the data you need at a click of a finger (well, filter). Still, that database can quickly become outdated and useless without regular and thorough maintenance. This month, while you tidy your office and home for spring cleaning, set aside some time to clean your donor database!

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Awkward Calls and Long Pauses: How to Handle Negative Responses in Phonathons

Advancement // March 12, 2015

In a perfect world, every call during a phoneathon would end in a cash donation and a monthly commitment for more. But reality often gives us more awkward—or even angry!—responses when your volunteers call the development office’s list of leads. To prevent your volunteers from becoming the proverbial “deer in the headlights,” give them some direction to try to change that “No” into a “Yes,” even if it’s only a “yes” next year.

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Dealing with Dishonesty: Applications and Confidentiality Issues

Advancement // March 11, 2015

Let's say you have reason to believe a parent may have lied on an application based on something you learned "in confidence." Maybe a father neglected to mention a student's learning disability that your school isn't equipped to accommodate, and you discovered the omission after reading a former teacher's confidential reference letter. Perhaps a mother laughed off suggestions of troubles at home that have proved problematic to previous instructors. The situation must be addressed, but carefully, considering your sources may have requested (or required!) anonymity to come forward. The ways to do so vary, depending on the personality and strengths of the admission staff involved, but we have a few pointers to get you started on the right foot.

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Keeping Your Social Media Current

Advancement // March 11, 2015

Social media can excite your audience. It's an opportunity to connect on a more personal and immediate level with your constituents, drawing them in and immersing them in the daily activities of life on campus. They present a positive picture of your school to prospective students, and remind current families why they chose you in the first place. Of course, such campaigns require time and resources, which can be at a premium in the Admission Office. To make sure you give your social media strategy the attention it deserves, we've got some recommendations to make good use of what limited time you have.

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Ask ISM's Health Care Reform Specialist

Business and Operations // March 4, 2015

Q. I had an employee come to me today and ask for “Form 1095” so she could complete her taxes. I had never heard of this form! What is it, and how do I get it for the employee?

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4 Reasons Why You Should Be on LinkedIn

Business and Operations // March 3, 2015

LinkedIn, calling itself “the world’s largest professional network,” may have once been only for recruiters and the unemployed, but no longer. Since the inauguration of its long-form article platform and news aggregate service, LinkedIn has become the place for professionals from every career and company to gather, learn, and network—including you, Business Officers. We can list four reasons why you should spruce up your profile (or create one!).

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Practical Points of a BYOD Program

Business and Operations // March 3, 2015

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programs might seem like the perfect solution to your school’s desire to stay up-to-date with the latest educational tools with little added cost to your technology budget—but beware! Don’t view BYOD through rose-colored glasses. Without proper planning, such programs can be riddled with hidden obstacles. Consider these three stumbling blocks while your school ponders implementing a BYOD program.

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